Deciding whether to get my first tortoise


New Member
Apr 15, 2017
I've been wanting to get a tortoise for quite some time now, and with the passing of my cat, it's become a real possibility. I'll be moving into a three bedroom flat soon and I need help deciding whether I can still take care of a tortoise without access to my own garden.
Being incredibly new to the world of tortoises, I was wondering if anyone had any advice about, well, anything!
Because of space being a huge factor, I thought a horsefield would be best suited to me. I would prefer to get a table but would that be best?
Obviously I would love to own one, but I still want it to have a wonderful and safe life, so if I didn't have the correct space or anything I would obviously wait until I could have my own house with garden.
Thank you

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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No contest! Of course you need a new tortoise. One can't live without a tortoise! Of course, it's a lot more expensive to have a tortoise that lives indoors - lights, heat, food, etc.

Because Russian (Horsefield) tortoises are so small people make the mistake that they can keep them in a small space, not true. Russian tortoises are hard-wired to wander great distances searching for food, and if you try to contain him in a small enclosure he'll scratch at the corners and climb the wall all day and into the night.

Read this before you buy anything:


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Hello and welcome. You;ll find that there is a lot of wrong info and conflicting info out there in the world for tortoise care right now. Pet shops are notorious for dispensing bad advice and selling useless or dangerous products, so I am glad you found us.

Check this one out to learn what is involved with caring for a horsfield tortoise.

You will need a very large enclosure and the correct UV lighting, but it can be done.

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