I remember the breeder telling me "they don't grow very big here"(Canada) and have to disagree it's because they are not given the right conditions that they don't grow fast not because they are in certain location. They don't care where they are they just know if they are given the right care and I know Canada is a cold place and yes I will build a giant greenhouse with crazy electric bills! To be honest maybe they shouldn't be sold so easily here because I know almost no one all across canada is willing to spend that much money on a animal. Man sulcatas get big im sure most of em sold here end up dead. I saw one in a pet shop a couple months ago who was abandonned and of course had crazy pyramiding and it was in an enclosure no bigger than 10 times its own size! This is almost like people selling RES 5$ each and propably say take a couple ones so they don't get lonely! (Kenan here) Breeders should not even sell living animals to people they don't know can take good care of it, especially with delicate animals like tortoises. Im not trying to bash breeders here just BAD breeders. Maybe the only way to stop this is to not buy anymore dry started tortoise because we are encouraging them to produce more. It's not a rescue, the breeder will just produce more! And honestly Im in the wrong too , im in Canada and for this only reason I souldn't be able to acquire a large tortoise that easily. A smaller species is more adequate because it can be housed indoor year round more easily. It's like you want a blue whale for your aquarium? This shouldn't be sold. Now I have her and will do WATHEVER it takes $$$ to house her properly. Not trying to offend anyone just giving my opinion. Let me know what you think.