Eye problems

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mikey meyer

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5 Year Member
Oct 28, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
El Paso, TX
One of my turtles had white stuff in both his eyes yesterday. So i took him to my neighbor to see if she knew what it was but she didnt. while i was ther he rubbed 1 of his eyes and the white stuff came out. But today he doesnt have it anymore but his eyes look a little blurry or foggy. Is that ok or is something wrong??


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Can you give us some details on how you keep your box turtle? Do you offer water or do soaks? Is there any discharge around the nose or swelling in the ear drums?

mikey meyer

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Oct 28, 2010
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El Paso, TX
I hav 14 turtles and they are kept outside. i water them down every day and they hav a bowl of water 2 go into. and ther is a tree in the middle of the ring i keep them in. and ther is no swelling but over his eyes looks a little puffy. And none of my other turtles hav this

mikey meyer

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Oct 28, 2010
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El Paso, TX
Ok and sorry haha i wasnt sure how to spell it. Since i have 14 box turtles i hav young ones and old ones but the one with the eye problem is a little bit older and yes i will post a picture 2morrow

And does it sound like he has cataracts?


10 Year Member!
May 22, 2009
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No, it sounds like he has either an infection in his eyes, or they have been irritated by dust, mulch, or something. The terramycin is 20 dollars at beanfarm.com, and is probably available at many other places as well. Don't waste your time with anything for eye clearing from the pet store, unless they have terramycin. It's very effective. It is like a salve. Hold the turtle's neck behind the head between two fingers, and try to rinse out any white stuff with a little running water. Then squirt out a little terramycin from the tube and smear it around on both affected eyes. Try to apply it at least twice a day, three if possible. If caught early, a single application is often all that's needed. I use it until the eyes clear up.
Be sure to keep the tube indoors, like you would medicine.

Good luck!

mikey meyer

New Member
5 Year Member
Oct 28, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
El Paso, TX
Ok thank you. The past like 3 days when ive gone out to feed them he doesnt have the white stuff in his eyes anymore and he seems to be doing fine. Should i still get the terramycin?
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