Fence advice for Black Mountain Tortoises please


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10 Year Member!
Oct 3, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Near Disneyland
Well my lovely girls are 10 years young and I think are now big and bad *** enough to be without a lidded enclosure. I have them now fenced with cinder blocks stacked 2 high with a lid made with wood and 1/2x 1/2" wire mesh. So I will need to put a fence up for them to keep them from going into the bamboo area in the back yard. I can use the cinder blocks I have but need to fence the other 3 walls. I'm thinking pressure treated wood to make a height of 2 feet. Do you think that would be tall enough? Thanks for your advice.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
You wouldn't think it because of their size, but they are VERY good climbers! My fences are corral lumber nailed to 4x4 posts, and three boards high. That makes the fence about 17" high. One of my full grown female Mee climbed that fence and escaped. So if you go 2' I would also consider capping the fence so they can't get a foot hold on the top of it.


Active Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 3, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Near Disneyland
Thank you Yvonne for your wisdom and experience with these fun tortoises. We are finishing up with the heated box for them and will start working on the fence. I will post pictures when I get at a decent place.
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