For Those Who Have a Young Sulcata...


New Member
Feb 17, 2016
Over and over I type up and answer diet questions and try to get people feeding the right stuff, but I find that the "norm" is grocery store food. Grocery store food is expensive, a hassle to obtain, and very low on the list of what is best for sulcatas.

These tortoises are GRASS eaters. From the moment they hatch, until the day they die, grass should be a large part of their diet. Spring mix, romaine, kale and other greens are okay as a small part of a varied diet, but should not be the bulk of the diet. If someone must feed grocery store foods, the pile should be sprinkled with grass clippings or "Salad Style". For those who like the convenience of pre-packaged, easy to handle stuff, "Salad Style" is basically finely blended up grass hay that can be sprinkled over any other food to add bulk and fiber. I got my "Salad Style" from Tyler at

For those that have a lawn, or access to one: Get a tub, get some scissors, get down on your knees, and go to work! It is so EASY to cut a few handfuls of fresh, green, tender, young grass, and dramatically improve your baby sulcatas diet. Any kind of grass will work. Finely chop it for little tortoises and sprinkle it all over the other food, or feed it by itself in a pile. Do be careful about lawn chemicals and pesticides. If you have a gardener, or its not your lawn, use extreme caution. Live in a condo or apartment complex? Don't do it. Not worth the risk, no matter what they tell you. Just grow your own grass in pots on your patio or window sills. Friends, family and neighbors might be able to help you out here.

For those who still just love the grocery store: Most stores are now selling little plastic pots of live, freshly sprouted, organic wheat grass. You can find it at many pet stores too. This is a great way to add grass to the diet of a young sulcata. Get your scissors, hold the pot over the food pile and chop away. Water it and keep the pot in a window sill, and in a few days, you'll have more. You might need several pots as your baby grows, or you can buy seed from one of our site sponsors (Thank you Carolina Pet Supply) and sprout even bigger trays of it yourself.

Some of you may find that your "grass eating" tortoise wants nothing to do with eating grass. This should surprise no one, since most breeders and most keepers never even attempt to feed actual grass to their grass eating tortoise babies. So sad! I can tell you from first hand experience with literally HUNDREDS of babies, they WILL eat it. It may take a month or more to slowly introduce it, but PLEASE, slowly introduce it.

Other items that are good for babies and young sulcatas:
Mulberry leaves
Grape vine leaves
Hibiscus leaves
African hibiscus leaves
Blue hibiscus leaves
Rose of Sharon leaves
Rose leaves
Cape honeysuckle
Leaves and blooms from any squash plant, like pumpkin, cucumber, summer squash, etc...
Young spineless opuntia cactus pads

There are soooooooo many...
Smooth Sow thistle
Prickly Sow thistle
Milk thistle
Goat head weed
Cats ear
Wild onion
Wild mustard
Wild Garlic
Broadleaf plantain
Narrow leaf plantain
Chick weed

Other good stuff:
"Testudo Seed Mix" from
Pasture mixes or other seeds from
Homegrown alfalfa
Mazuri Tortoise Chow
ZooMed Grassland Tortoise Food

When sulcatas get a little older and bigger, usually around 10-12" for me, they will start munching on plain, dry grass hay, all on their own. I like orchard grass hay the best for this, but I also used bermuda grass hay for years too. When they hit this stage, life gets MUCH easier. Just make sure you have drinking water readily available when they start eating hay, and consider soaking regularly if you are not 100% sure your tortoise is drinking enough, or if you live in a really dry area, like me.

I live in a desert and yet there is still green stuff all around me. I beg you to take a walk and learn about all the green stuff around you, INSTEAD of driving to the store again. Instead of a trip to the grocery store, take a trip to a local nursery for some weed IDs, and tips on growing your own stuff. What could be better than stepping out into your backyard and collecting all the free, healthy tortoise food you can carry? Think of the gas savings! Anyone who is a tortoise keeper, ought to be somewhat of a gardener too.

I beg of you... PLEASE stop the grocery store MADNESS!!! :D
Great advice very helpful thankyou!


New Member
Jan 12, 2016
20151222_144346-1.jpg Mine won't eat any grasses but love weeds, kale e.t.c. not sure of the exact subspecies though? p.s. This was a quarantine via that I used when I first brought them home. Got them off a friend who couldn't look after them properly. The smaller one was blowing bubbles so I nebuliser f10 twice daily. Seems ok now.


New Member
Aug 28, 2015
Great info. Thank you. I just need to knowwhat would be considered a balanced diet? Lucy and Ethel, bothsulcatas are in my yard with all the bermuda and weeds they want. Once or twice a week I give them kale mixed with collard greens. They also have cottlebones i leave by their track and they have several water dishes with water. Should I change anything? I did buy a hibiscus plant but not sure if they could eat the flowers as well as the leaves or what other shrubs I could plant for them to feast on. Thank you. Lucy is about 18" shell length and Ethels shell is about 15" long. Thanks again.


New Member
Mar 5, 2016
This was very helpful Tom ,I just have one question, is there any specific grass or hay I should feed my 5 month old sulcata, and my grass has black marks should I avoid that grass ? Is he still to small to eat hay? so far I feed him almost everything u metioned I'm ordering online some mazuri ,but other then than what grass do u recommend? I'm gonna buy all the seeds and pots for his food

Your response would be very help full and will claim me down I've been trying to figure the perfect diet for gomi


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
No grass for regular leopards also?

They can eat it, but I don't feel it as necessary as it is for sulcatas and SA leopards. This is based n dietary studies of wild populations and on preferences of captives.


New Member
Mar 17, 2016
When feeding flowers such as pansies there's so many different types can they eat any of them and does the same apply to the type's of flowers they can eat


Mar 22, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Los Angeles
Over and over I type up and answer diet questions and try to get people feeding the right stuff, but I find that the "norm" is grocery store food. Grocery store food is expensive, a hassle to obtain, and very low on the list of what is best for sulcatas.

These tortoises are GRASS eaters. From the moment they hatch, until the day they die, grass should be a large part of their diet. Spring mix, romaine, kale and other greens are okay as a small part of a varied diet, but should not be the bulk of the diet. If someone must feed grocery store foods, the pile should be sprinkled with grass clippings or "Salad Style". For those who like the convenience of pre-packaged, easy to handle stuff, "Salad Style" is basically finely blended up grass hay that can be sprinkled over any other food to add bulk and fiber. I got my "Salad Style" from Tyler at

For those that have a lawn, or access to one: Get a tub, get some scissors, get down on your knees, and go to work! It is so EASY to cut a few handfuls of fresh, green, tender, young grass, and dramatically improve your baby sulcatas diet. Any kind of grass will work. Finely chop it for little tortoises and sprinkle it all over the other food, or feed it by itself in a pile. Do be careful about lawn chemicals and pesticides. If you have a gardener, or its not your lawn, use extreme caution. Live in a condo or apartment complex? Don't do it. Not worth the risk, no matter what they tell you. Just grow your own grass in pots on your patio or window sills. Friends, family and neighbors might be able to help you out here.

For those who still just love the grocery store: Most stores are now selling little plastic pots of live, freshly sprouted, organic wheat grass. You can find it at many pet stores too. This is a great way to add grass to the diet of a young sulcata. Get your scissors, hold the pot over the food pile and chop away. Water it and keep the pot in a window sill, and in a few days, you'll have more. You might need several pots as your baby grows, or you can buy seed from one of our site sponsors (Thank you Carolina Pet Supply) and sprout even bigger trays of it yourself.

Some of you may find that your "grass eating" tortoise wants nothing to do with eating grass. This should surprise no one, since most breeders and most keepers never even attempt to feed actual grass to their grass eating tortoise babies. So sad! I can tell you from first hand experience with literally HUNDREDS of babies, they WILL eat it. It may take a month or more to slowly introduce it, but PLEASE, slowly introduce it.

Other items that are good for babies and young sulcatas:
Mulberry leaves
Grape vine leaves
Hibiscus leaves
African hibiscus leaves
Blue hibiscus leaves
Rose of Sharon leaves
Rose leaves
Cape honeysuckle
Leaves and blooms from any squash plant, like pumpkin, cucumber, summer squash, etc...
Young spineless opuntia cactus pads

There are soooooooo many...
Smooth Sow thistle
Prickly Sow thistle
Milk thistle
Goat head weed
Cats ear
Wild onion
Wild mustard
Wild Garlic
Broadleaf plantain
Narrow leaf plantain
Chick weed

Other good stuff:
"Testudo Seed Mix" from
Pasture mixes or other seeds from
Homegrown alfalfa
Mazuri Tortoise Chow
ZooMed Grassland Tortoise Food

When sulcatas get a little older and bigger, usually around 10-12" for me, they will start munching on plain, dry grass hay, all on their own. I like orchard grass hay the best for this, but I also used bermuda grass hay for years too. When they hit this stage, life gets MUCH easier. Just make sure you have drinking water readily available when they start eating hay, and consider soaking regularly if you are not 100% sure your tortoise is drinking enough, or if you live in a really dry area, like me.

I live in a desert and yet there is still green stuff all around me. I beg you to take a walk and learn about all the green stuff around you, INSTEAD of driving to the store again. Instead of a trip to the grocery store, take a trip to a local nursery for some weed IDs, and tips on growing your own stuff. What could be better than stepping out into your backyard and collecting all the free, healthy tortoise food you can carry? Think of the gas savings! Anyone who is a tortoise keeper, ought to be somewhat of a gardener too.

I beg of you... PLEASE stop the grocery store MADNESS!!! :D
Thanks for this very helpful information. I'm a new sulcata owner (5 month old) and I'm having issues trying to get it to eat . I tried giving it weeds and grasses , but it just walks around it. I've left many options inside his enclosure but the only thing I've seen him eat is dandelions. I really hope it starts eating the grasses soon cause I'm running out of dandelions.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Thanks for this very helpful information. I'm a new sulcata owner (5 month old) and I'm having issues trying to get it to eat . I tried giving it weeds and grasses , but it just walks around it. I've left many options inside his enclosure but the only thing I've seen him eat is dandelions. I really hope it starts eating the grasses soon cause I'm running out of dandelions.

Hello and welcome to the forum.

I would start with tiny amounts of the new stuff all finely chopped and mixed in with a pile of the old familiar stuff. Less than 5% of the new stuff for the first few days. Gradually increase the ratio of new to old over weeks and months. This will usually get you where you want to be.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Mine won't eat any grasses but love weeds, kale e.t.c. not sure of the exact subspecies though? p.s. This was a quarantine via that I used when I first brought them home. Got them off a friend who couldn't look after them properly. The smaller one was blowing bubbles so I nebuliser f10 twice daily. Seems ok now.

Many leopards won't eat grasses, so you are not alone there.

Respiratory infections are usually caused by temperatures dipping too low, especially at night.

I see a few things you need to change there is you don't want them to pyramid. Like the red bulb, the open faced hide, and the dry wood chip substrate. Check these out:

Emily Vail

New Member
Mar 24, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Over and over I type up and answer diet questions and try to get people feeding the right stuff, but I find that the "norm" is grocery store food. Grocery store food is expensive, a hassle to obtain, and very low on the list of what is best for sulcatas.

These tortoises are GRASS eaters. From the moment they hatch, until the day they die, grass should be a large part of their diet. Spring mix, romaine, kale and other greens are okay as a small part of a varied diet, but should not be the bulk of the diet. If someone must feed grocery store foods, the pile should be sprinkled with grass clippings or "Salad Style". For those who like the convenience of pre-packaged, easy to handle stuff, "Salad Style" is basically finely blended up grass hay that can be sprinkled over any other food to add bulk and fiber. I got my "Salad Style" from Tyler at

For those that have a lawn, or access to one: Get a tub, get some scissors, get down on your knees, and go to work! It is so EASY to cut a few handfuls of fresh, green, tender, young grass, and dramatically improve your baby sulcatas diet. Any kind of grass will work. Finely chop it for little tortoises and sprinkle it all over the other food, or feed it by itself in a pile. Do be careful about lawn chemicals and pesticides. If you have a gardener, or its not your lawn, use extreme caution. Live in a condo or apartment complex? Don't do it. Not worth the risk, no matter what they tell you. Just grow your own grass in pots on your patio or window sills. Friends, family and neighbors might be able to help you out here.

For those who still just love the grocery store: Most stores are now selling little plastic pots of live, freshly sprouted, organic wheat grass. You can find it at many pet stores too. This is a great way to add grass to the diet of a young sulcata. Get your scissors, hold the pot over the food pile and chop away. Water it and keep the pot in a window sill, and in a few days, you'll have more. You might need several pots as your baby grows, or you can buy seed from one of our site sponsors (Thank you Carolina Pet Supply) and sprout even bigger trays of it yourself.

Some of you may find that your "grass eating" tortoise wants nothing to do with eating grass. This should surprise no one, since most breeders and most keepers never even attempt to feed actual grass to their grass eating tortoise babies. So sad! I can tell you from first hand experience with literally HUNDREDS of babies, they WILL eat it. It may take a month or more to slowly introduce it, but PLEASE, slowly introduce it.

Other items that are good for babies and young sulcatas:
Mulberry leaves
Grape vine leaves
Hibiscus leaves
African hibiscus leaves
Blue hibiscus leaves
Rose of Sharon leaves
Rose leaves
Cape honeysuckle
Leaves and blooms from any squash plant, like pumpkin, cucumber, summer squash, etc...
Young spineless opuntia cactus pads

There are soooooooo many...
Smooth Sow thistle
Prickly Sow thistle
Milk thistle
Goat head weed
Cats ear
Wild onion
Wild mustard
Wild Garlic
Broadleaf plantain
Narrow leaf plantain
Chick weed

Other good stuff:
"Testudo Seed Mix" from
Pasture mixes or other seeds from
Homegrown alfalfa
Mazuri Tortoise Chow
ZooMed Grassland Tortoise Food

When sulcatas get a little older and bigger, usually around 10-12" for me, they will start munching on plain, dry grass hay, all on their own. I like orchard grass hay the best for this, but I also used bermuda grass hay for years too. When they hit this stage, life gets MUCH easier. Just make sure you have drinking water readily available when they start eating hay, and consider soaking regularly if you are not 100% sure your tortoise is drinking enough, or if you live in a really dry area, like me.

I live in a desert and yet there is still green stuff all around me. I beg you to take a walk and learn about all the green stuff around you, INSTEAD of driving to the store again. Instead of a trip to the grocery store, take a trip to a local nursery for some weed IDs, and tips on growing your own stuff. What could be better than stepping out into your backyard and collecting all the free, healthy tortoise food you can carry? Think of the gas savings! Anyone who is a tortoise keeper, ought to be somewhat of a gardener too.

I beg of you... PLEASE stop the grocery store MADNESS!!! :D
This is a great thread. I do go shopping because I have a sprayer who sprays for bugs. But i use neughbors who do not spray yard and graze over there. Eventually a spot in my yard will be cleared and I wont need to worry. It just as to be cleared and cleaned out from the past spray.

Donnette Keys

New Member
Mar 28, 2016
Over and over I type up and answer diet questions and try to get people feeding the right stuff, but I find that the "norm" is grocery store food. Grocery store food is expensive, a hassle to obtain, and very low on the list of what is best for sulcatas.

These tortoises are GRASS eaters. From the moment they hatch, until the day they die, grass should be a large part of their diet. Spring mix, romaine, kale and other greens are okay as a small part of a varied diet, but should not be the bulk of the diet. If someone must feed grocery store foods, the pile should be sprinkled with grass clippings or "Salad Style". For those who like the convenience of pre-packaged, easy to handle stuff, "Salad Style" is basically finely blended up grass hay that can be sprinkled over any other food to add bulk and fiber. I got my "Salad Style" from Tyler at

For those that have a lawn, or access to one: Get a tub, get some scissors, get down on your knees, and go to work! It is so EASY to cut a few handfuls of fresh, green, tender, young grass, and dramatically improve your baby sulcatas diet. Any kind of grass will work. Finely chop it for little tortoises and sprinkle it all over the other food, or feed it by itself in a pile. Do be careful about lawn chemicals and pesticides. If you have a gardener, or its not your lawn, use extreme caution. Live in a condo or apartment complex? Don't do it. Not worth the risk, no matter what they tell you. Just grow your own grass in pots on your patio or window sills. Friends, family and neighbors might be able to help you out here.

For those who still just love the grocery store: Most stores are now selling little plastic pots of live, freshly sprouted, organic wheat grass. You can find it at many pet stores too. This is a great way to add grass to the diet of a young sulcata. Get your scissors, hold the pot over the food pile and chop away. Water it and keep the pot in a window sill, and in a few days, you'll have more. You might need several pots as your baby grows, or you can buy seed from one of our site sponsors (Thank you Carolina Pet Supply) and sprout even bigger trays of it yourself.

Some of you may find that your "grass eating" tortoise wants nothing to do with eating grass. This should surprise no one, since most breeders and most keepers never even attempt to feed actual grass to their grass eating tortoise babies. So sad! I can tell you from first hand experience with literally HUNDREDS of babies, they WILL eat it. It may take a month or more to slowly introduce it, but PLEASE, slowly introduce it.

Other items that are good for babies and young sulcatas:
Mulberry leaves
Grape vine leaves
Hibiscus leaves
African hibiscus leaves
Blue hibiscus leaves
Rose of Sharon leaves
Rose leaves
Cape honeysuckle
Leaves and blooms from any squash plant, like pumpkin, cucumber, summer squash, etc...
Young spineless opuntia cactus pads

There are soooooooo many...
Smooth Sow thistle
Prickly Sow thistle
Milk thistle
Goat head weed
Cats ear
Wild onion
Wild mustard
Wild Garlic
Broadleaf plantain
Narrow leaf plantain
Chick weed

Other good stuff:
"Testudo Seed Mix" from
Pasture mixes or other seeds from
Homegrown alfalfa
Mazuri Tortoise Chow
ZooMed Grassland Tortoise Food

When sulcatas get a little older and bigger, usually around 10-12" for me, they will start munching on plain, dry grass hay, all on their own. I like orchard grass hay the best for this, but I also used bermuda grass hay for years too. When they hit this stage, life gets MUCH easier. Just make sure you have drinking water readily available when they start eating hay, and consider soaking regularly if you are not 100% sure your tortoise is drinking enough, or if you live in a really dry area, like me.

I live in a desert and yet there is still green stuff all around me. I beg you to take a walk and learn about all the green stuff around you, INSTEAD of driving to the store again. Instead of a trip to the grocery store, take a trip to a local nursery for some weed IDs, and tips on growing your own stuff. What could be better than stepping out into your backyard and collecting all the free, healthy tortoise food you can carry? Think of the gas savings! Anyone who is a tortoise keeper, ought to be somewhat of a gardener too.

I beg of you... PLEASE stop the grocery store MADNESS!!! :D

Huge Help! Thank you! I am so excited to know I haven't been completely neglecting my little ones with bad food.

Donnette Keys

New Member
Mar 28, 2016
Tom, I have a lot of these already growing. I never thought to feed them grass...I will be easy about it. I ordered some orchard grass seed. Do you think it will be ok?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Tom, I have a lot of these already growing. I never thought to feed them grass...I will be easy about it. I ordered some orchard grass seed. Do you think it will be ok?

Orchard grass works great. I've tried all sorts of different grass seed, and nothing works better that the stuff in the link in the first post of this thread.

Right now I've started some Rye Grass, orchard grass, some sort of chicken grass mix. They eat all of it.

I also clip my yard grass all summer long with an electric mower and mix the clippings in with other good stuff. Grass is an important component of a sulcata diet. They should be eating a large percentage of grass as they get bigger. I like them to be eating some tender young grass when they are little too.

Sally Valcourt

New Member
Apr 11, 2016
Thank you so much for this article! My little SnookieBun thanks you as well.. the grocery store is where I was told to go when I got her.. Now I will go outside .. Do they make baby turtle size leashes I wonder?


New Member
May 12, 2016
I found this information out on my own the hard way. I had a sulcata in the past and I bought food from the grocery store just like the guy said it in the reptile expo that I got him from. And it didn't take long to see his shell start to separate and create bumps. When it started to get expensive to feed the tortoise I had to get rid of him. If only I knew back then that I had a yard full of food that he could eat for free. When you go online and hear about feeding these guys they talk about feeding too much and growing too fast and getting pyramided. My new tortoise eats like a monster. And I have not bought one thing for him to eat so far. His diet is everything I find in the yard. And he is as much of it as he wants. He seemed to like clovers and dandelion greens the most. When I go to the yard and grab food for him I grab grass clovers dandelion greens and dandelion flowers. And he seems to be doing just great. He gets soaked once a week, in calcium Sprinkled on the food twice a week. I don't do nothing special for humidity like some people tell you to. And he seems to be doing just fine. His shell isn't like a perfect round ball but it is pretty smooth and better than most. 20160512_110146_13578.jpg
May 13, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Manila philippines
Thanks to this tip, i would probably feeding my tort with squash leaves and flowers from now on, and probably try to grow my own patch of grass on a pot now. Thankyou.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
May 29, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Glenn Dale, Maryland, USA
Great info. Thank you. I just need to knowwhat would be considered a balanced diet? Lucy and Ethel, bothsulcatas are in my yard with all the bermuda and weeds they want. Once or twice a week I give them kale mixed with collard greens. They also have cottlebones i leave by their track and they have several water dishes with water. Should I change anything? I did buy a hibiscus plant but not sure if they could eat the flowers as well as the leaves or what other shrubs I could plant for them to feast on. Thank you. Lucy is about 18" shell length and Ethels shell is about 15" long. Thanks again.

  • Hilda, hibiscus flowers and leaves are all good for your Sully. Just make sure that they are all pesticide free. Our sully gets a flower and all it's stems, leaves etc about twice per week. Once Summer arrives, and our Rose of Sharon starts to bloom, he'll get a handful of those blooms daily as well. All good, free food!