Hey Guys! So, I am obviously new to this and want to make sure I provide the best care possible and make sure he/she is healthy. If I could, I would sit and stare at him all day LOL! But anyway, I received him Thursday and just wanted to see if his shell looks healthy to you guys. I have been trying to do as little handling as possible, only pick him up to do his morning soak and let him go outside in his outdoor enclosure for about 30 mins to catch some natural UVB rays. This morning he got a great poop in and we went to spend his time outside before it got too hot. I picked him up to bring him inside and noticed the bottom of his shell felt soft, I wouldn't say extremely soft, but defiantly not rock solid like his back. I don't know if this is because he is still so so young and still developing.. but I worry be because I have been misting his enclosure a few times a day (like 3 to 4) to help with humidity. So now I'm wondering if I should not mist the substrate as much? Or like I said if he is just still developing and young. I have orchid bark down as his substrate! He eats and sleeps well, is curious about things in his enclosure- so he seems healthy to me! Just wanted to ask others! Thank you guys all so much for all the support!