Hello from West Tennessee


New Member
Jun 14, 2021
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Hey everyone! I’ve been going through the forum the last few days and wanted to introduce myself. I’m Tom and I live over in West Tennessee. My fiancé and I just bought a house, which means I can finally get a tortoise! I’m planning to build an outdoor enclosure at our new place since it seems like Tennessee climate allows you to keep a tort outside for most of the year minus the short winter season. I’d build a separate heated enclosure in the garage for the winter. I’m leaning towards getting a Redfoot, they seem to be a great choice for the climate here and the size we’re looking for. This forum is absolutely loaded with great information, so if anyone has any suggestions of species I’m overlooking or things to consider for an outdoor enclosure here I’d love to hear them! Thanks y’all!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Hello and Welcome.
Read thru all the species specific caresheets and see which one other then the RF you might want. I suggest getting the one you want.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
NE Oklahoma
Welcome! Congrats on the house!

Russian or some of the Mediterranean tortoises would be best for an outdoor enclosure, just because the average humidity isn't going to consistently match that of a red foot's natural range. I know that it FEELS like it's that high to us humans ? But space/finances willing, species is all your decision.


New Member
Jun 14, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Welcome! Congrats on the house!

Russian or some of the Mediterranean tortoises would be best for an outdoor enclosure, just because the average humidity isn't going to consistently match that of a red foot's natural range. I know that it FEELS like it's that high to us humans ? But space/finances willing, species is all your decision.
Thank you! I appreciate it! I want to get a species that I’ll be able to keep outdoors for most of the year in Tennessee. This will be my first tort, so I’d like something hardy with fairly easy care requirements. I’m experienced with keeping reptiles and other animals, I’m really looking for something that will be tolerant of the climate here. I’ll look into the Mediterranean torts.

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