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New Member
5 Year Member
May 6, 2012
New here and I'm obviously addicted to my torts, as I've just downloaded this app! I live in Central Texas with 6 tortoises. There are 3 sulcatas - Homer (~12yrs), Emily (3yrs), Link (2.5yrs); 2 leopards - Leo (4yrs), Blondie (1.5yrs); 1 brown mountain - Mia (3yrs).

We started with Emily as a hatchling, had another leopard Diesel that we lost when he flipped, then got Link as a hatchling and another sulcata Daisy that had shell deformities that eventually we lost. Hubby wanted another leopard so we got Leo that was already a couple years old, then we got Blondie as a hatchling. In came Homer from someone who couldn't take care of him, so we adopted him-if you had seen how he was kept, you would understand the urgency that we felt to home him!! Then recently we added Mia that a tortoise breeder needed to re-home, and she also has a shell deformity. So, for now, that's our crew!

During the winter months, the larger torts are kept in the garage in large wooden pins that we built for them, with heat lamps. The smaller torts are kept inside, basically same set up. We have a large outdoor run for the larger torts, but just added to it for the smaller torts. They are all kept separately by age and species. Homer's the loner only because he's the largest!

They are well cared for and have a special place in our home and hearts! Look forward to learning and sharing on here!!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Hi allentort6:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

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