Help (Russian doesn't eat)


New Member
Jun 14, 2024
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I just bought a 4-6 in russian tortoise he won't eat he won't drink he stays in the same spot all night and all day is something I can do it's been 2 days I put clean water every day and clean food all day greens and bell pepper he won't touch it is there something I can do or just wait him out eventually he will get hungry is what I think

Alex and the Redfoot

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Aug 21, 2023
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Can you post a photo of his enclosure? What light/heating do you use?
Often bad appetite is because of low temperatures - do you know what are they? Nighttime low, basking zone and daytime in the cold and warm parts of the enclosure?


New Member
Jun 14, 2024
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Can you post a photo of his enclosure? What light/heating do you use?
Often bad appetite is because of low temperatures - do you know what are they? Nighttime low, basking zone and daytime in the cold and warm parts of the enclosure?
His enclosure comes today I've I made him a temporary one with a basking light he is just shy I think everything comes in today it was suppose to be here a week b4 him but it all got back ordered


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There are two things likely going on. First time moves very slowly for a tortoise and you've just upended him/her from whatever they know, and it can take a LONG TIME for them to feel safe and adjust. My rescue took 2-3 months before he started behaving anywhere close to "normal".

Second, the vast majority of info provided to new owners is bad. Wrong size enclosure, wrong food (ie: no green peppers!, and tell us exactly WHICH greens so we can advise), wrong lighting, wrong water dish, etc.

A 4-6" Russian is likely fully adult if a male, and possibly adult or still growing for a female. If the store told you it was "one years old" (as most do because its what buyers want to hear), then likely they also told you a lot of other bad info.

Please post photos of your setup so we can help guide you, just be prepared to be told everything you were told is wrong, lol

Meanwhile, here is a good article, but its very long and dense. You should read it as well, but also ask questions here.



Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Apr 19, 2022
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Los Angeles
His enclosure comes today I've I made him a temporary one with a basking light he is just shy I think everything comes in today it was suppose to be here a week b4 him but it all got back ordered
Ok can you describe what you bought? Example, if you got a 2' by 3' "tortoise house" from something like Aivituvin on Amazon they are garbage and not OK for a Russian even though they sell them that way


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello and welcome to the forum! I’m going to be pasting some questions for you to answer regarding the set up you have coming and some information on how your guy needs to be kept, assuming you have an adult Russian.
Please try not to let the information and questions overwhelm you, I know it can seem a lot at first, but please stay with us and we’ll guide you each step of the way🙂take your time reading😊

What size enclosure are you keeping him in? He ideally needs a bare minimum of an 8x4 foot set up to roam, roaming is absolutely vital to the well being of tortoise health, it strengthens their muscles and aids in digestion, they’d walk miles in the wild.

What lights are you using? What is your uv situation?
Your basking area temp? Ambient day temp? Night temp?

For the basking area he needs a incandescent floodlight(pic attached) that needs to be on a 12hour timer, directly under the bulb should be reading 95-100f(36-37c) the rest of the enclosure should ranging 75-80

Night can drop into 60’s

For uv you need a t5 fluorescent tube light, I’d personally recommend the Arcadia brand, it comes with a built in reflector fitting as to not waste any uv light, this needs to be on a separate 4hour timer from noonish mounted about 18-20 inches from the substrate.

Humidity should be 30-50%

What substrate is it you’re using?

Try and upload a photo of your set up if you can! It’s so helpful for the members advising! Perhaps run by us what kind of equipment you’re getting? Just so you don’t up wasting money on things that aren’t needed🙂


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Yvonne G

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If he came from a pet store he's wild caught. Some wild caught tortoises have a hard time acclimating. We'll do the best we can to get you going but we need more information. Pet stores are notorious for selling you the wrong stuff, so shoot us a picture of the tortoise in his enclosure. What type light are you providing. What's the temperature at ground level?

Because tortoises are territorial and he's in a new territory, he's going through relocation stress. It takes a couple weeks for him to realize he's ok here.

Is it at all possible to set him up outside? Any enclosure you BUY is going to be the wrong enclosure for a russian.
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And he will need a 4x8 foot minimum enclosure so likely the one you bought is too small.
Get the changes made as soon as your stuff comes in. Luckily it should be able to be returned. As for the enclosure, if you can't return it, work on expanding it.
Follow info already given by other members too.


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Welcome to the forum to you and your tortoise!

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