Hey guys!! I got a Russian tortoise from a local pet store (I know that’s not the best choice) last Friday. I have set up an outdoor enclosure for her and let her roam with monitored supervision. I have noticed that she seems pretty picky - really only likes butter lettuce that I hand feed or cloves from the ground. I have tried different greens, dandelions, cucumber, literally nothing. Today, I noticed she has been burrowing a lot. I thought she was burrowing outside because she was hot so I brought her in - She has been burrowing herself all day. Temp is 81° and humidity is at 67 and she burrier herself immediately. Still hasn’t eaten much. Is she just getting used to all of this new stuff??? Is she sick?? She looks healthy. Also I know this is a lot of information but what do you guys do to keep bugs like ants flies etc away when they are outside??? TIA!!