How to make a closed-chamber baby habitat out of a 55gal Sterilite bin


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Nov 3, 2012
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How are the lights mounted

curious, why can't we cut a hole smaller than the incandescent basking light holder and set it on top? If I'm only using a 40-60w, will it melt the plastic if I set it on top? Did setting the light fixture on top somehow leave a gap that let out too much humidity? Thanks in advance for the clarification!

Also, why did OP get rid of humidity tubing hole? Too much humidity that way? Is it possible to just pour water into the substrate occasionally and have that be enough?

Thank you!
At 40-60W setting the bulb on top wouldn't make a warm enough basking spot.
Using a higher wattage results in the whole interior of the bin getting too hot.


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In what ways is it not as good? Trying to shore up my knowledge before making an informed decision. Thank you!! Also, in lining the hole, I just mold tin foil along the edge and it stays in place? I watched a Chris Leone vid where he just used gorilla tape to secure the lamp to the lid without the foil. Thoughts?
I wouldn't risk it without tin foil. Yes, you line the rim of the hole. Easier to line with foil than having a fire.