No worries, I do not feed my own tortoise this. I just want a good argument for why I am not comfortable feeding this to the tortoise that is currently at the pet store.Hi!
Peas and beans, and most supermarket veg, are not ideal and shouldn't be a diet staple imo. Peas in particular are labeled DO NOT FEED in the tortoise trust plant database.
It states:
"Peas, like other legumes, are not good for tortoises. They are very high in protein and contain high levels of phytic acid. Phytic acid, which is present in the coating of seeds and nuts and is the principle storage form for phosphorous, has an effect similar to that of oxalic acid, in that it prevents the body from absorbing calcium. This, in turn, can lead to your tortoise suffering from kidney stones and other problems, so although Peas and Pea Shoots are not actually toxic, they should not form part of your tortoise's diet".
A lot of pet store info is wrong and potentially harmful. Most torts need weeds and grasses as the cornerstone of their diet. I would go for a pellet composed more of those. I use zoo med grassland tortoise food, but recently another member recommended Mazuri tortoise food to me, so I'm looking forward to trying that out, it looks to me of a higher quality. Endive, escarole, collard greens, lambs lettuce, cilantro, are better supermarket options imo.