I need help with my Herrman's beak!!


New Member
Jul 25, 2024
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Coastal South Carolina
Update: it’s been 36 hrs since he has eaten or drank. He has not come out of his shell other than a peak since the vet saw him. He is like in shock. No one handles him but me or my mother. He won’t come out and I am afraid because he has not eaten or drank. Anyone??

Update: it’s been 36 hrs since he has eaten or drank. He has not come out of his shell other than a peak since the vet saw him. He is like in shock. No one handles him but me or my mother. He won’t come out and I am afraid because he has not eaten or drank. Anyone??
Is he warm enough first off?? I would make sure to soak him in warm water. Not deeper than his nostrils. This should keep him hydrated. As far as him eating the soaking may entice him to eat. I would not worry about him not eating just yet. He will eat when he is ready. You could start off by placing a little fruit like a strawberry in front of him right after the soak. See if he eats that or shows any interest. Make sure he is warm all of the time as well. Some others on here will have some great suggestions as well. Right now I would say keeping him hydrated is the most important thing. Just like us, we can go a long time without food. But we cannot go that long without water.


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May 19, 2015
Update: it’s been 36 hrs since he has eaten or drank. He has not come out of his shell other than a peak since the vet saw him. He is like in shock. No one handles him but me or my mother. He won’t come out and I am afraid because he has not eaten or drank. Anyone??
I don't think not eating or drinking would be a problem - as you say, he is still probably in shock - but he needs to be kept really warm. I am no expert, however, so I hope someone who is will reply soon.
Good luck from Angie


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Update: it’s been 36 hrs since he has eaten or drank. He has not come out of his shell other than a peak since the vet saw him. He is like in shock. No one handles him but me or my mother. He won’t come out and I am afraid because he has not eaten or drank. Anyone??
Be sure to soak him for at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. You can add carrot or squash baby food to the soak water and flavorless piedialyte.
This will keep him hydrated and give him some nutrition and hopefully get him to want to eat.

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