I think my Tortoise isnt pooping


May 9, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Hialeah Florida
I just got a baby hermans tortoise last sunday. Its very active and eats alot. Ive soaked it 5 times. Hasnt pooped in the soak. But i do keep finding what seems to be poop in the substrate (it smells bad, like poop) but idk if its just part of the coco fiber. What u guys think? I probably answered my own question but i want to make sure


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Sometimes I wonder if, when people say "soak", they realize what it really means. A proper SOAK is this: Get a plastic tub with high sides or use a clean bathtub or bowl that the tortoise cannot climb out of and won't tip over if he tries. Warm the plain pipe water or bottled water (that you can drink safely) to a temperature you would put your human baby in for a bath. Pour the water into the container and place the tortoise in up to where his top and bottom shells meet or slightly higher. Watch constantly while more water is being warmed in the kettle or whatever. After about ten minutes change the water for newly warmed water. Repeat until at least 20 minutes have passed. This should be done at least once every day, or better, twice per day, for baby tortoises. Remember, close supervision please. This is what I have understood here about soaks.

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