indian star turtle got bit by a rat


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Mar 18, 2024
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i have indian star turtle. He got bit by a rat yesterday. I took him to a vet immediately and he treated him gave some meds to feed him w water. he was fine yesterday even had a cucumber. but today he didn't wake up. i tried to wake him up so that he would eat something but he didn't. he's alive though, but should i be worried about this???


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Hi.. please post pictures of tortoise and injury, also tell us what medication he is taking and how the vet said to treat him. We also need to know how the tortoise is being kept, that is, the conditions in his enclosure. You need to make sure rats cannot get to him.


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Mar 18, 2024
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Hi.. please post pictures of tortoise and injury, also tell us what medication he is taking and how the vet said to treat him. We also need to know how the tortoise is being kept, that is, the conditions in his enclosure. You need to make sure rats cannot get to him.
the vet has given cefpodoxime protexil oral suspension and concentrated high potency vitamin c to be mixed in the water and to keep him in that water for 2-3 hours a day so that he would drink it. i have a separate space made for him, a wooden box where we used to keep in the nights, that's where i have kept him so that rats couldn't reach him. the vet has also given an ointment, povidone iodine and ornidazole ointment to put on the wound after cleaning it w damp cotton. should i be worried??


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Keep him warm, 85 day and night also give a basking area. Keep the wound clean and do not let flies near him. Give him some time to get over the trauma, the poor thing.
I have rats off and on in my area. I have never had them bother my tortoises. If there is always left over tortoises food in the areas of the tortoise they shouldn't bother your tort. Always have left over food and leave it until the next morning when you feed fresh.


New Member
Mar 18, 2024
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Keep him warm, 85 day and night also give a basking area. Keep the wound clean and do not let flies near him. Give him some time to get over the trauma, the poor thing.
I have rats off and on in my area. I have never had them bother my tortoises. If there is always left over tortoises food in the areas of the tortoise they shouldn't bother your tort. Always have left over food and leave it until the next morning when you feed fresh.
Okay thanks a lot. Is basking area necessary as it is already really hot here?! And should be worried about how he hadn't had any food today, he had just slept all day?! It's not serious injury, the wound, or is it?! he will survive right?


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I expect he is in shock. You need to get ointment on the wound and clean regularly to stop flys laying eggs and you getting maggots. Improve his enclosure and ensure rats can not access as they will be back!


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Okay thanks a lot. Is basking area necessary as it is already really hot here?! And should be worried about how he hadn't had any food today, he had just slept all day?! It's not serious injury, the wound, or is it?! he will survive right?
How hot is it? Cuz you do need to set him up inside the house for now until he heals. Keeping him on plain wood, fake grass or plain brown butcher paper will work, switched daily and spot clean often, no substrate.
When he does eat, he has to be able to digest the food, they do this by basking under an area that reaches 95-100.
Get him set up. I think he will be okay, as long as you keep the wound from getting infected
@Yvonne G has rehabbed a lot of tortoises, she may be able to help further