Is my baby tortoise still fine?


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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2013
@Netsu You have a Parrot Beaked Tortoise not a sulcata tortoise. Did you find it locally? They are native to the Cape Province of South Africa, so perhaps it is trying to hibernate during your winter. Do you live in the Cape Province or did you find it there? If not, where did you get it?

Also, it is NOT a baby tortoise. It looks as though it is nearly full grown. 10-11 cm. is the adult size of the species. How big is your tortoise?

Don't follow the Care Sheet instructions for a sulcata tortoise as some of them do not apply to your tortoise. I will look for care instructions for Homopus species tortoises and post whatever I am able to find here later for you.

Thomas tortoise

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2022
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I have had a baby sulcata tortoise for around 7 months now, a month ago I moved it from enclosures, it has heat lamp, food bowl and water dish. Since I've moved it into the new enclosure, I have not seen it eating or drinking (please note this is my first time keeping a baby tortoise). I have seen it eating before I moved it to the new enclosure, but only once. How do I know it is eating and drinking? The food looks like it decreases, but I can't quite tell if it really is. I've seen it climb into it's water dish a few times, so it's probably drinking then? Most of the time when I look at it, it's sleeping, so I don't know if it ate or not. It is winter here, but the enclosure should be warm enough to not let it need to hibernate... When I hold my tortoise, or put it down on my bed, it seems to still have enough energy to run around, but I am just unsure if it is happy and well...
Yeah hello and welcome to the forum. Okay so did you change his water and food dish cause I noticed I changed my dishes for my tortoise and he would not drink or eat so that might be the problem, I hope this helps and good luck


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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 22, 2020
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Norwich CT
Yeah hello and welcome to the forum. Okay so did you change his water and food dish cause I noticed I changed my dishes for my tortoise and he would not drink or eat so that might be the problem, I hope this helps and good luck
Just a little bit of advice…you may want to check the date of the post to which you’re responding. This thread ended almost two years ago...

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