Hello Natrah - I've had two walks on the breakwater, with a bit of visiting some of the stalls which were out for a craft market in between. It was pretty hot, and I have never seen so many people on the beach and all over the place - yesterday was very misty and chilly!Good evening everyone!
We've both had a busy day and we've both been out in the sun. I have been basking, eating, strolling and climbing but I have also been half drowned as usual and this caused me to leave a present. Edward how are you these days? Are you still on medication? Natrah has noticed that your servant is called Lyn on another thread.
Dickie how are you? Have you been out at all? Natrah and I have been thinking about you. Sherman how are you? Have you been doing any improvements in your enclosure?
Zola I bet you've been to see the sea today. Did you meet anyone and how is your mum? We are concerned about her in the heat and we hope that is keeping hydrated. Natrah had lunch in the Cliffs Pavilion and yesterday she had lunch with her friends in Rayleigh.
Goodnight everyone
Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah
My mum is a bit fed up that her new pills don't seem to be helping at all, and may end up stopping them when she has talked to the nurse in a couple of weeks. It is very disappointing, but she had to try them.
I'm going out tomorrow afternoon with my dad to get the car's MOT done.It should be ok - and I can see my good friend Martin at the garage ! He has known me since I was little.
Love to you and all my forum friends from Zola xxxxxx