lower respiratory tract infection

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5 Year Member
Jul 4, 2013
hi guys. can i ask if lower respiratory tract infection usually have mucus/bubbles on the nostrils? what are the other signs to look out for? thanks


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 16, 2013
Not all RI will result in bubbles and mucus from nostrils. EBT I had showed none of these. Instead shortly after arriving she was hacking mucus thru her mouth, coughing like a heavy smoker, her front legs swell up to the point she couldn't move them (they became paralyzed) and even though she wanted to, she just couldn't eat. At the same time she also developed eye infection and ear abscess. Antibiotics, ear abscess surgery, eye treatment and keeping warm/lots of warm soaks resolved all of the above within two weeks. After start of antibiotics, she urinated large amounts of thick mucous yellow fluid.

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If your tort has mucus coming from the mouth or nose, I would take him to the vet asap! Torts can dehydrate very quickly especially if it's hot outside and he's not drinking. Another sign that don't have the above symptoms is wheezing.

Yvonne G

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Far as I could tell from a PM that skuttle sent to me, there is only the occasional open mouth.

"its not like the videos in youtube where turtle or tortoise looks like there vomiting or something's lodge in there throat. its just looks like a sec 1/4 of the maximum open of the mouth. i dont know if its mannerism but havent seen my sulcata doing that."

I don't know if it's a gasp for a breath, or what.

Skuttle: Take a look at the nose in a very bright light. See if it looks like the nares are open or plugged up. Soak the tortoise in warm water daily for about a half hour, checking often to be sure it hasn't tipped over.

If the nose looks plugged, then the pharmacy sells little squirt bottles of saline solution in the contact lens section (for human eyes). You can squirt some of this up each nostril to try to clear them. Don't just give it a gentle squeeze, squirt with a bit of a force. The other end of the nostrils goes into the roof of the tortoise's mouth, so there isn't a worry about squirting it into his lungs.

If he is eating and otherwise acting normal, I guess you just have to wait and see if he has any other symptoms.
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