Man, I'm shocked.

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Oct 8, 2008
Hello everyone, new here and Sulcata owner.

Today I got to see for the very first time my male Sulcata's penis. Man was I is that thing. It was disgusting and fascinating at the same in the world could that be possible? How in the world can it look like that and does it NEED to be that size, my gosh. wow, I didn't need to see that and my gf was screaming thinking his intestines were out, hahah. I just can't get the horror out of my head. :( and I've seen dead bodies before.

I hope I don't have to see it regularly, I love the little sucker. He's 5 now and getting big.

I have another question. What are safe cold temps for Sulcatas? Is 70 degrees too cold for them? I live in Vegas so he's plenty hot during the day now but at nights it's starting to get to the 70s and I don't want to risk him getting sick.


Maggie Cummings

Hi there and welcome to the group.
I looked out in the yard one day and my small tortoise looked odd, so I went out and he was just acting I laid down on the grass trying to look under him when all the sudden this thing unfurled from underneath him and almost hit me smack in the face. So, yep, they're ugly...try having one right in your face...Nasty!!! Tony is only 3.5 yrs and so it's really young for him to be flashing just yet. And he likes to take it out and play with it several times a day. He's sooo proud he's a boy! So if your guy is like Tony, you will be seeing that nasty thing quite often.
I have 2 Sulcata one is 65 pounds, the other 14. They have a doggie door to their shed so I open it in the morning and they spend the day moving in and out of their shed.
As long as your tortoise has the ability and freedom to get warm when he needs to, 70 is not too cold. But if he doesn't have access to a basking light then 70 is too cold.
IMHO, 70 is too cold to spend the night in. I would give him access to a warming light at night. I would use a regular clamp light fixture and just a black light bulb. They get really hot and will keep him warm at night.
Bob goes out in the winter and grazes thru the snow, but then he scoots back inside to warm up. And he has a black light bulb for warmth at night...HTH


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Aug 21, 2007
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CecilTortoise, hi welcome to the forum. I edited your post ( what I changed is in italics) as this is a kid freindly site but not all words are filtered so we do ask that you watch your language. I know the first site of that can be.......well rather un=nerving. But that is what they are all about and they are proud of it too.


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TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2007
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Redlands, CA
welcome to tfo, ceciltortoise!
I have yet to see a tortoise penis in person but rest assured that the day I do, I will reflect upon the many threads we've had with just this same reaction. It still cracks me up everytime!
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