New Hermann tortoise


New Member
Sep 26, 2024
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Palm coast Florida
New Herrmann mom. Rocky is 3 and Roxy is 7. I created an outdoor habit in northeast Florida. My son gave them to me to care for. I have been feeding salad veggies like tomato, romaine, baby greens, strawberries, banana, grapes ( fruits twice a week) apples plums, hibiscus flowers, dry tortoise treats . Is there a staple I need to give them? They were tank tortoise before and now have growth rings. I just want to treat them well.

No problem let me know if you need help
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Jun 10, 2016
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Welcome to the forum. Are they in the same enclosure? If so they need to be separated. Also, no fruit, they can't process the sugar. Search the forum for their care sheet. Pretty tortoise!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello and welcome!🐢💚

If they are kept together, they need separating asap! tortoise of any species should NEVER be housed in pairs under any circumstances, they’re incredibly territorial, behaviours that look cute to us really aren’t, following one another and sleeping huddled up is all bullying the the tortoise world, you’ll eventually see more extreme signs of aggression. Anyone who tells you pairs are fine, have no idea what they’re talking about.

Small groups are ok when there’s lots of land and the correct male to female ratio.

Another thing of note is to stop feeding any fruit immediately! They aren’t a fruit eating species, they can’t digest the sugars properly and it can really mess their gut flora up. You want to stick with leafy greens and safe weeds.

I know yours are outside, but I’m going to link this thread I made because it has a good diet link at the bottom to check out! You can then also use it on the off chance you have to ever build them an indoor space🙂

I think this one will also be really good for you to read through, it will help you avoid the wrong kind of housing situations and husbandry issues

Hope they help! Please do come back with any further questions you may have😊


New Member
Sep 28, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Corona CA
I give them clovers, weeds, grass, dandelions, roses, succulents and leafy greens (20%). I keep fruits for treats (once a week) and even then just one strawberry or a small amount of mango.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I give them clovers, weeds, grass, dandelions, roses, succulents and leafy greens (20%). I keep fruits for treats (once a week) and even then just one strawberry or a small amount of mango.
I wouldn’t recommend fruit in any case, but if just a teeny amount every few weeks, shouldn’t do harm

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