new leopard tortoise trouble


New Member
Nov 23, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
norman, oklahoma
Im Jackson and i have a leopard tortoise my mom wanted a tortoise so w got one and im the one that takes care of it and i have no clue what im doing so i came here for help.


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Jun 25, 2018
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Portland, OR
Hey Jackson!
Glad you want to take proper care of your new tortoise and have come for help. Looks like you need a lot of improvements in that enclosure but a lot of us started that way... like me! Soooo...

First you need a way to measure temperatures in the enclosure. A temp gun is cheap and easy to use. You can get one at a hardware store.

Temperature is very very important so you'll need to read the link that @drew54 sent you and make sure your temps are good.

Tortoises like to dig and burrow so you'll want something else in that enclosure besides the green grass/carpet stuff. Coco coir, orchid bark, fir mulch are good choices. You can find them in a garden center.

Do you have a UVB light? Tortoises need special lights that give off UVB like the sun does.

Are you soaking him? Does he have water available in his enclosure?

He'll feel more at home if there are some good places to hide in his enclosure. Something as simple as a large Tupperware turned over with a hole cut as a door or get creative.

I hope these things are helpful.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Hi Jackson, and welcome to the Forum!

If that were my tortoise and enclosure, I'd try to figure out a way to make the sides higher so I could add some substrate. Orchid bark is my substrate of choice. Your leopard tortoise needs a substrate that you can keep moist. Orchid bark is a 'clean' product that takes water without turning sour or moldy. Then I'd figure out a way to put up sticks or some sort of support so I could cover the whole thing and hang the lights.

That's a pretty cute little leopard tortoise. Provide him with the proper environment* and he should thrive.

*Warm, humid enclosure with a constant temperature of about 80-85F degrees

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