Hi everyone! I have been reading this forum nonstop for the past couple of weeks. We have been planning for our Baby Redfoot to arrive and this forum has helped me so much! Introducing Watson:
Watson in his morning soak after he woke up. Right now his bedding is a mix of Forest Floor Cypress Mulch and Coconut Coir (particles all over the water in the picture). I was worried about the Coconut Coir being so fine that it would bother his eyes and I read on the forum that it’s dusty when it’s too dry. This morning I remixed the substrate and added more water patted the cypress mulch and coconut coir mix down and topped it with orchid bark. It’s so much better and humidity is already better too! Right now he is indoor in a 50 gal Tub container. Temperature is between 80-85 and humidity is currently at 85%. So far eating has not been an issue.
Here he is chowing down on some collard greens and mini bananas. He ate both I did sprinkle calcium powder on the bananas too.
I do have a few questions/concerns:
Is it normal for them to burrow for long periods of time? Yesterday we picked him up from the breeder and got home around 12:30. He was in a smaller tub while we set up his home. After we gave him a soak and fed him we put him in around 4pm he was in and out of his cave (terra cotta pot half way in substrate) and then we looked around 6 and couldn’t find him!! He burrowed and was hard to find! He was burrowed until this morning and he poked his little head out. We took him out and gave him a soak and breakfast (pictures from above) I re-situated his substrate and moved the CHE towards the middle (Since the temperature seemed cold this morning, 77 degrees) of the enclosure and covered the top with foil (temporary until I get to homedepot for some plexiglass). He was hyper from the bananas and roamed around quite a bit even decided to chew on the hygrometer now he is burrowed again... not sure when he will emerge. This is probably all normal but I’m new to all of this and want to make sure!
Second question, what type of plants can I have in his enclosure? I feel like it’s minimal in there and he might like a small edible plant in there.
What age are they not a hatchling anymore?
Wow that was so long! If you made it this far thanks for reading!
Watson in his morning soak after he woke up. Right now his bedding is a mix of Forest Floor Cypress Mulch and Coconut Coir (particles all over the water in the picture). I was worried about the Coconut Coir being so fine that it would bother his eyes and I read on the forum that it’s dusty when it’s too dry. This morning I remixed the substrate and added more water patted the cypress mulch and coconut coir mix down and topped it with orchid bark. It’s so much better and humidity is already better too! Right now he is indoor in a 50 gal Tub container. Temperature is between 80-85 and humidity is currently at 85%. So far eating has not been an issue.
Here he is chowing down on some collard greens and mini bananas. He ate both I did sprinkle calcium powder on the bananas too.
I do have a few questions/concerns:
Is it normal for them to burrow for long periods of time? Yesterday we picked him up from the breeder and got home around 12:30. He was in a smaller tub while we set up his home. After we gave him a soak and fed him we put him in around 4pm he was in and out of his cave (terra cotta pot half way in substrate) and then we looked around 6 and couldn’t find him!! He burrowed and was hard to find! He was burrowed until this morning and he poked his little head out. We took him out and gave him a soak and breakfast (pictures from above) I re-situated his substrate and moved the CHE towards the middle (Since the temperature seemed cold this morning, 77 degrees) of the enclosure and covered the top with foil (temporary until I get to homedepot for some plexiglass). He was hyper from the bananas and roamed around quite a bit even decided to chew on the hygrometer now he is burrowed again... not sure when he will emerge. This is probably all normal but I’m new to all of this and want to make sure!
Second question, what type of plants can I have in his enclosure? I feel like it’s minimal in there and he might like a small edible plant in there.
What age are they not a hatchling anymore?
Wow that was so long! If you made it this far thanks for reading!