I've had my redfoot a few weeks now and he's starting to eat greans and a lil fruit ok, i don't think he's eating enough, but i could be wrong . Anyway I decided to try a little bit of protein because I read redfoots should eat protein, it's boiled lean roast I give to my savannahs sometimes. Anyway he ate it with more gusto then he has eaten anything so far, he really loved it. I only gave him a little, cuz I'm not sure if he just really liked it or if he is lacking protein (I don't know his history) So, should I try to give him a hard boiled egg or something tomorrow with protein in it or should I wait a while? AND please don't suggest pinkies, i have them for my savannahs, but for some reason a tort eating a dead pinky rat takes away a part of that cute vegetarian look lol