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5 Year Member
Jun 3, 2013
Hi everyone, complete novice to tortoise ownership, and having collected our 2 Mediterranean spur thighed last weekend and introducing them to their new abode I find myself on tender hooks wondering if they are ok. Hope to enjoy lots of discussions with you all and picking up many tips along the way. ImageUploadedByTortForum1370348159.324701.jpg
Just a quick glimps of our interior and exterior tables.

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Hello and welcome. You have to to a great place for advice. :)

And we LOVE pictures of torts too :)

You need to take care when you have two torts. In the wild they roam over large territories, meet up to mate and move on. In captivity they don't need company and, while they are often fine together when they are young, they make it all too clear as they get older that they don't want to share. If you see physical bullying, or one becomes withdrawn, you must separate them and it might have to be permanent. Three or more torts can work in a large outdoor enclosure. Pairs are frequently a problem.

Your torts need a diet of leafy greens. Fruit, including tomatoes and bell peppers, is an occasional treat as Greeks like yours cannot process sugar properly and it leads to health problems if they eat too much. There's a link to The Tortoise Table in my signature below... that's a great place for looking up the plants in your garden and in the supermarket to find out what's good to feed


New Member
5 Year Member
Jun 3, 2013
Thank you [TURTLE][TURTLE]

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May 1, 2011
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Hi and welcome! JoesMum had some good advice there also. When 1 tort starts to bully another, as they get older, the one getting bullied can stop eating and everything, leading to death in some cases. If you ever start to notice this from either 1, they will have to be kept separate at that time. Best of luck!! :)
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