Newbie here :))


Apr 7, 2018
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Hey, everyone! I just bought my daughter a tortie for her 11th birthday, and my daughter named it "Squirtle". I don't know the type, nor age, as the store (PetSmart) employees didn't know either. They wrote "Testudo Tortoise" on her (the PetSmart employee was able to give me this much) adoption papers, but when I googled it, I found out that Testudo means tortoise...So according to PetSmart, she's a "Tortoise Tortoise"? o_O Fantastic, at least I know she's a tortoise tortoise, and not a monkey tortoise because those require special permits. If anyone can help me figure out these details, I would be very grateful :<3: Squirtle's shell is approximately 4-inches long, and you can see the markings on her shell.

Anyways, I came across this forum while googling what sort of plants are safe for her, and wound up reading other posts regarding tortie care. Everyone here seemed to be very helpful and friendly, so I decided to join...Hi! :D


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Oct 18, 2017
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Looks like a Russian to me, but I will let others confirm. PetSmart carries 3 different variety of tortoise with the scientific name Testudo.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Hello and welcome.

You have a russian tortoise there. Aka horsfield tortoise if you are in the UK. Formerly known under the latin name Testudo horsfeildii, but recently renamed into the genus Agrionemys horsfieldii.

The pet store most likely sold you all the wrong stuff and care all the wrong care info, so these will get you on the right track:

Questions are welcome and good Luck!


Apr 7, 2018
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Thank you for the info, and YES, the pet store sold me a lot stuff I'm regretting. Working off of their recommendation, I bought a "reptile kit" that is mostly being used as Squirtle's bedroom because I let her hang out in our backyard during the day. There's a 2' high mallow bush in our backyard that she always "runs" to, as soon as we put her down, so we left it untouched during yard cleaning. We do have a pool without an enclosure so someone is always with her while she's in the yard. Also, the reptile kit had some sand and tan bark stuff for her bedding, but I read a post on here recommending against using those types of bedding so I'm going to pick up some topsoil and that coco coir stuff soon. I think the only really useful stuff from that kit are the heating lamp (white and infrared) and UV lamp.


Apr 7, 2018
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She's extremely active - she's on a digging mission during the night, walks along the back fence, and "runs" as soon as her feet hit ground in our yard. I don't think it's a negative thing, but I haven't heard of this sort of behavior from a tortoise before. Also, is there such a thing as too much outdoor time? She has been spending more time outdoors, than indoors - not in direct sunlight, though, cuz she can chill under the mallow bush whenever she wants.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Thank you for the info, and YES, the pet store sold me a lot stuff I'm regretting. Working off of their recommendation, I bought a "reptile kit" that is mostly being used as Squirtle's bedroom because I let her hang out in our backyard during the day. There's a 2' high mallow bush in our backyard that she always "runs" to, as soon as we put her down, so we left it untouched during yard cleaning. We do have a pool without an enclosure so someone is always with her while she's in the yard. Also, the reptile kit had some sand and tan bark stuff for her bedding, but I read a post on here recommending against using those types of bedding so I'm going to pick up some topsoil and that coco coir stuff soon. I think the only really useful stuff from that kit are the heating lamp (white and infrared) and UV lamp.

No sand of any kind, but the bark stuff is the best substrate for them. That is about the only thing they get right. Bought-in-a-bag soil is no good because you can't know what its made of and it could be something bad. Coco coir is too messy for an adult russian. The heat lamp is probably a spot bulb, which you don't want. The infrared is not good for tortoises day or night and your tortoise doesn't need night heat. The coil type UV bulbs are ineffective and sometimes harmful to their eyes. The little glass tank they sold you with the kit is also way too small. The stick-on dial type thermometers in that kit are useless and unreliable. Sorry man. You've basically got to start from scratch. I'de return all that junk and tell them why. If people keep returning it, they might someday get a clue about what they need to do instead. Most of what you need is at the hardware store.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
She's extremely active - she's on a digging mission during the night, walks along the back fence, and "runs" as soon as her feet hit ground in our yard. I don't think it's a negative thing, but I haven't heard of this sort of behavior from a tortoise before. Also, is there such a thing as too much outdoor time? She has been spending more time outdoors, than indoors - not in direct sunlight, though, cuz she can chill under the mallow bush whenever she wants.

You are headed for a train wreck that many of us have seen and experienced first hand. Make an enclosure for your tortoise before you lose her or find her at the bottom of the pool. Please learn from our mistakes and don't make them yourself. Here are several ideas:

Russian are masters of escape and evasion. I'm pretty sure they can levitate when no humans are looking...


Apr 7, 2018
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Russian are masters of escape and evasion. I'm pretty sure they can levitate when no humans are looking...

Right?! hahaha

No sand of any kind, but the bark stuff is the best substrate for them. That is about the only thing they get right. Bought-in-a-bag soil is no good because you can't know what its made of and it could be something bad. Coco coir is too messy for an adult russian. The heat lamp is probably a spot bulb, which you don't want. The infrared is not good for tortoises day or night and your tortoise doesn't need night heat. The coil type UV bulbs are ineffective and sometimes harmful to their eyes. The little glass tank they sold you with the kit is also way too small. The stick-on dial type thermometers in that kit are useless and unreliable. Sorry man. You've basically got to start from scratch. I'de return all that junk and tell them why. If people keep returning it, they might someday get a clue about what they need to do instead. Most of what you need is at the hardware store.

Thanks for the advice. I'm going to change everything up and try to return the tank and and rest of the kit, like you said. If I knew that was allowed, I would've taken it back already. Since picking it up 2 weeks ago, I've felt like I just flushed $200 down the drain, and have been wishing I used it toward making, or even purchasing, a custom home for her/him (after a little more reading on here, I'm not so sure she is really a she and not a he).

Thanks again, Tom!


Apr 7, 2018
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How do I keep Squirtle warm at night, without using an infrared light? My older daughter's friend told me that her brother's girlfriend's turtle died last week because the infrared bulb burned out and it was too cold?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Feb 20, 2016
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Lewisville, Texas
How do I keep Squirtle warm at night, without using an infrared light? My older daughter's friend told me that her brother's girlfriend's turtle died last week because the infrared bulb burned out and it was too cold?

You need a ceramic heat emitter. They produce no light at all, and rarely go out.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Feb 20, 2016
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Lewisville, Texas
How do I keep Squirtle warm at night, without using an infrared light? My older daughter's friend told me that her brother's girlfriend's turtle died last week because the infrared bulb burned out and it was too cold?

Actually, since you have a Russian, you shouldn’t need night heat unless your house goes below 60 degrees at night :)


Apr 7, 2018
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You need a ceramic heat emitter. They produce no light at all, and rarely go out.

Thanks, TechnoCheese. I'm going to look into getting one of those.

Actually, since you have a Russian, you shouldn’t need night heat unless your house goes below 60 degrees at night :)

My house is all hardwood flooring, and the temperature has been between 48-54 degrees Fahrenheit in the evenings. Most of the time, it's colder inside my house than outside, and it doesn't reach 60 degrees until 8-9AM. This is one of the reasons why I take Squirtle outside during the day. Outdoor time is for soaking up the warmth and vitamins from the sun, as well as for munching on weeds and getting exercise. It's good for me to be in the sun too because when I'm not outside with her, I'm more than likely working on my computer.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
How do I keep Squirtle warm at night, without using an infrared light? My older daughter's friend told me that her brother's girlfriend's turtle died last week because the infrared bulb burned out and it was too cold?
Adult russian tortoises do not need night heat in an indoor enclosure unless you live inside a refrigerator.

The other tortoise was likely a different species that does need warm nights, or it died for some other reason that they don't realize. Even a tropical tortoise can survive one night at room temp with no issues. I seriously doubt the the COD was cooler temps because the heat lamp burned out. Heat lamps burn out all the time. Not a big deal and certainly not a death sentence.

Look at the amount of misinformation you have received. It is likely that they also received the wrong care info and it finally caught up with the tortoise. I'm glad you found us.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California


Apr 7, 2018
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Adult russian tortoises do not need night heat in an indoor enclosure unless you live inside a refrigerator.

Look at the amount of misinformation you have received. It is likely that they also received the wrong care info and it finally caught up with the tortoise. I'm glad you found us.

I was going to say, "Actually, it does feel like a refrigerator, sometimes." hahaha

Also, I'm so thankful that I managed to find my way here! I'm learning SOOOOO much from all of you, so I can make myself better equipped to provide Squirtle with a long, happy, and healthy life :<3:

After reading your post about, it seems you do live in a refrigerator. Get a CHE and run it on a thermostat. I like these thermostats:

Why on earth do you live that way? I can't stand it if the temp drops below 70 in my house...

During the summer, the temps reach 120 so I can appreciate the colder temps. Plus, I work from home, so when it's cold, I can walk around in my pajamas and be wrapped up a blanket all day :p

Unfortunately, I don't know how old/mature is Squirtle. He/she seems like a baby to me, but that's just my assumption because of her/his size. The pet store staff didn't have any clue, either. I wish I could get his/her hatch date, so not only can I determine her/his age, but also have a birthdate to celebrate.


Apr 7, 2018
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I've been digging around online for a CHE, and found a few options on Amazon. However, I don't know what type of lamp/housing would be best, and there are A LOT of mixed reviews about using a dome-type housing versus a clamp-type. Some people say the dome-type will get too hot and become a safety hazard so a wire clamp lamp is recommended, but I think I read a post on TFO that said a clamp lamp is unsafe. Are there other types that can be used, and are the CHEs a universal size? What about heat tape, a heat pad, or a personal heater? I'm not in a major rush to decide, I'm think about how to keep Squirtle warm when winter comes around again.

Also, I just realized that I have a humidifier packed up in my garage that my daughters used to use when they were little. Would it be safe to use it to keep Squirtle's enclosure humid?
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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I've been digging around online for a CHE, and found a few options on Amazon. However, I don't know what type of lamp/housing would be best, and there are A LOT of mixed reviews about using a dome-type housing versus a clamp-type. Some people say the dome-type will get too hot and become a safety hazard so a wire clamp lamp is recommended, but I think I read a post on TFO that said a clamp lamp is unsafe. Are there other types that can be used, and are the CHEs a universal size?

Use a dome with a ceramic base. I use these ones:

Don't use the clamp. They always fail and it will fall. Hang it from over head instead. And you don't need the stupid little guard wires things sticking out the bottom either.


Apr 7, 2018
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Use a dome with a ceramic base. I use these ones:|VF|G|0|G-VF-PLA|&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3LuJvYe02gIV3brACh2ZQg19EAQYASABEgKUkfD_BwE&dclid=CPKrzMuHtNoCFUpxAQodU5gEcQ

Don't use the clamp. They always fail and it will fall. Hang it from over head instead. And you don't need the stupid little guard wires things sticking out the bottom either.

The link you provided is for a clamp-style lamp. So, correct me if I'm understanding this wrong...This one is good, but I should hang it, instead of using the clamp part (and the fancy metal guards)?

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