Outdoor substrate/bedding


New Member
Apr 27, 2024
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We have a sulcata, Bolt, which has been in an aquarium but now needs more space and we’re wanting to put him outside. We live in the very dry, hot environment on the outskirts of the Mojave Desert. Our yard is turf and decomposed granite. I’m struggling to figure out what to use for the base/beeding/substrate for the enclosure. We’ve always used coco coir but what’s best for a large outdoor enclosure? I’ve read coco coir, cypress mulch and natural dirt are all good but can they be mixed? Is it ok to layer these on top of the decomposed granite or should I put something on top of the DG before adding the bedding?


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Jun 21, 2016
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What's the age and size of Bolt, and the size of the outdoor enclosure? Pictures would help too. Thanks.

Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
When I put my tortoises outside in a new to them yard I just used the soil that was there in the yard. I never added any substrate to it.

One thing to bear in mind about the "turf." Most grasses made into turf have plastic mesh embedded into it. Eventually that mesh comes to the surface and could get wrapped around a tortoise's neck or a leg. I have personal experience with this. Bermuda grass turf is the only one that doesn't have mesh.

When planning an outdoor area for an indoor tortoise it's best to start a year or so prior to when the tortoise is going to be put outside. You want the yard established before the tortoise gets in there to start tearing it apart.