Outside free range over night no enclosure.

David Kinney

New Member
Jan 31, 2015
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Hi, I have a Sulcata tort, he is 2 years old and 8 1/2 inches long and weighs 5 pounds. We have raccoons in our area and opossums. What size should your tort be in order to be left outside free range with no enclosure providing your property is fully fenced and the night time weather is no lower than 65. In addition what would be the health benefit(s) in leaving your tort outdoors?


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Natural sunshine and exercise are the biggest benefits to having your tort outside. I'm not sure of the exact size but I think your tortoise definitely still needs a locked outdoor night enclosure. Raccoons are nasty little critters and can very easily hurt or kill your tortoise at its current size. There was a thread earlier this week about a tortoise who was left outside without a night box and it was killed by some unknown creature. It's just not worth it in my opinion not to have a safe place for your tortoise at night.


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Even adults get a hide box to sleep in and usually are locked up for the night. Yours is still too young and all should have a night box


The Dog Trainer
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Sounds like you are skirting disaster there.

"Fully fenced"? How? Sulcatas need sight barriers. They can push right under chain link and they can push through wrought iron. If your whole property appropriately fenced for a tortoise, then that is an enclosure.

He is fine to stay outside all night but he needs a heated night box. 65 is too cold for a young sulcata. I think its too cold for an adult too. Can they survive 65? Yes. In most cases. But that doesn't mean its good for them. Here are some examples:

The above style boxes ail keep him safe AND warm. Close him in at night. Open the door every morning.


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Aug 3, 2013
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Hi, I have a Sulcata tort, he is 2 years old and 8 1/2 inches long and weighs 5 pounds. We have raccoons in our area and opossums. What size should your tort be in order to be left outside free range with no enclosure providing your property is fully fenced and the night time weather is no lower than 65. In addition what would be the health benefit(s) in leaving your tort outdoors?

It looks like Greshams overnight lows (this week!) are 58 to 63 degrees. That is this just week. He defiantly needs a night box for warmth as well as for safety!

Maggie Cummings

I also live in Oregon and I would never leave even my 120 pound Sulcata out all night. Raccoon, coyotes, loose dogs, possums, so many predators here. All tortoises no matter how big or small needs what's called a 'hide" they need a small safe place for them to sleep without worry. Even my big Sulcata sleeps in a hide. He puts himself to bed at 7PM nightly and he is always in his sleeping box. Plus he's locked in. Doggie door is closed and people door is locked.
Your baby is too small/young to sleep outside without a safe shelter. There's no benefit to leaving them outside at night. I had a friend who's 50 pound tortoise got his head eaten off by a raccoon at night because he had no shelter.
You would not be doing right by him to just leave him out at night without a shelter....please don't.

David Kinney

New Member
Jan 31, 2015
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Thanks all for your positive feedback. My torts are kept in a large locked outside shed. I really did not see any health benefits in leaving your tort outdoors at night unprotected. You guys are awesome.