Panik Made Enclosure!

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Sep 23, 2012
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Hello everyone!
This will unfortunatly be my first post here but need help.
First sorry about all the spelling mistakes i will do, English is not my first language :)

5 Days ago we got a turtle in our house. It was not planned and to be honest i dont think we would ever get one. But, it was here and now was the time to sort this little boy out.
Started reasearching internet for as much info as possible and came uppon this site after a while.

I have 2 problems:

1. What type of Tortoise do i got in my home?
2. Will my panik made enclosure be enough for a while?
- Its 1200mm Long and 400mm Deep and 400mm/300mm High.
- On highest point he will have about 120mm to the edge.

Pics of the lill dude, named by my 5 yearold, "Bowser".

Pics of Table/Enclosure.

Thank you for any help you able or willing to Give.
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Yvonne G

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Welcome to the Forum, Dan!

I'm sorry, I'm not able to I.D. your tortoise, but we have many members and I'm sure some of them will be able to help you.

Your new "panic-made" enclosure looks great. I'm a little worried about the height of the sides on the second level. They look a bit short...but then I don't know how big that tortoise is.

May we know what country you live in? Reason I ask is because some of the products we may recommend for you to buy may not be available in your country.


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Hello and Welcome:) I also think the second level may have too short of sides. I also not understanding how he/she is going to get up there. Don't forget, you will need a water dish, clay plant saucer works good. A flat piece of rock to eat off of, works good for keeping beak filed down. Substrate, not sure what would be best for your species, not sure what it is. A hide, maybe a plant or two, and UVB lighting. Depending on where you live, maybe some night time heat source, like a CHE(ceramic heat emitter) Someone should be along soon that can ID it for you.


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emysemys said:
Welcome to the Forum, Dan!

I'm sorry, I'm not able to I.D. your tortoise, but we have many members and I'm sure some of them will be able to help you.

Your new "panic-made" enclosure looks great. I'm a little worried about the height of the sides on the second level. They look a bit short...but then I don't know how big that tortoise is.

May we know what country you live in? Reason I ask is because some of the products we may recommend for you to buy may not be available in your country.

Thank you for the very quick reply! :)

Well im going to try and convert mm to inches then :cool:
The lill one is only 2.5 inches long.
The Lowest part of the enclosure is, 4.5 inches high (abouts).
Was planning to get some (plexiglas) on the lower part and on the sides.
Havent had time and money yet tho :S

Well i live in southern Sweden in a rural area in a town called Knislinge all 3.500 ppl strong :)

Thank you again for the reply !



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wellington said:
Hello and Welcome:) I also think the second level may have too short of sides. I also not understanding how he/she is going to get up there. Don't forget, you will need a water dish, clay plant saucer works good. A flat piece of rock to eat off of, works good for keeping beak filed down. Substrate, not sure what would be best for your species, not sure what it is. A hide, maybe a plant or two, and UVB lighting. Depending on where you live, maybe some night time heat source, like a CHE(ceramic heat emitter) Someone should be along soon that can ID it for you.

Thank you for the reply!

There is more stuff at home then just the box lol!
Currently hes living in a VERY temporary box that i really dont want to show you all, its what he came here in and why I HAD to sort a box out for him.
Have been to the nearest petstore and got some kind of pelletfood and a food supplement (i think thats the word) with vitamins and other stuff in it.
Also some Hay. Feeding him with greens from garden like Dandylion leafs.
Bought a lamp and hood. Right now only Heat kind, waiting for a UV one.

Deep part will be filled with substrate. Will be a mix. ohh and yup FILLED! haha. Did some miss calculations when cutting the wood :)

Building a Hide part for him in left corner.

Have got from store some expencive but nice looking bowls.
( think the guy in store was very happy with me in there that day)

Got stones and other bits n pieces.

Humm, going to have to put up some more pictures as i go along wont I? :)

And thank you again for helping me here! I really need al the advice i can get!



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Welcome to the forum, Dan. It looks like your tortoise is one of the subspecies of Greek Tortoise (Testudo graeca). Maybe one of the Testudo experts will chime in with an exact identification.

If the wooden material used in the construction of the enclosure is particle board (manufactured wood made of chips/sawdust and adhesive matrix) or other raw wood product you will need to seal it with several coats of polyurethane or marine varnish. You can test a scrap piece by placing several drops of water on an exposed area. If the water is absorbed or causes a raised area (from the wood swelling), sealing will be needed.

You may also want to decrease the size of the hide box so as to maximize the floor space or assuming the enclosure is shown in its proper orientation, you could build a ramp to allow it access to the roof of the hide box.

You may want to provide a way to access the hide box more easily. You may find it difficult to remove him if he is hiding in the most distant corner.

In any case, the enclosure as it is will be sufficient for at least another year.


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HLogic said:
Welcome to the forum, Dan. It looks like your tortoise is one of the subspecies of Greek Tortoise (Testudo graeca). Maybe one of the Testudo experts will chime in with an exact identification.

If the wooden material used in the construction of the enclosure is particle board (manufactured wood made of chips/sawdust and adhesive matrix) or other raw wood product you will need to seal it with several coats of polyurethane or marine varnish. You can test a scrap piece by placing several drops of water on an exposed area. If the water is absorbed or causes a raised area (from the wood swelling), sealing will be needed.

You may also want to decrease the size of the hide box so as to maximize the floor space or assuming the enclosure is shown in its proper orientation, you could build a ramp to allow it access to the roof of the hide box.

You may want to provide a way to access the hide box more easily. You may find it difficult to remove him if he is hiding in the most distant corner.

In any case, the enclosure as it is will be sufficient for at least another year.

Thank you for helping out!

I totaly did NOT think about the seal. Another trip to the shop then, thank you so much.

About the Hide, it will be on the raised part to the left. Is not on the pictures since its not done.

I will post a few more tomorrow.

About the raised part and lower one. I read that torts like to burrow??
So i thought i would be ummm smart and make one part a "little" deeper.
But since i was making all the calculations and cuts on the fly in the shop it "might" be a little deep lol
I will just have to fill it up and hope for the best or put a board down there i dont know :)

Thank you again.



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For a 'panic' enclosure, this looks very good. Your tortoise is small, so it will work just fine.
Perhaps in late Spring, you can think about an outside enclosure too. ;)

They do love to burrow. Many enclosures have substrate that are too shallow, so yours will work out very well. It is better a bit too deep, than too shallow!

Perhaps you can arrange lighting with UV on the open lower end, and just a basking light for warmth on the second level, if you add a ramp to it. Plexiglass as additional protection, if needed, along the sides, works very well.

Looks like you have sealed the edges and corners. Do the 'water test' and if the enclosure needs sealing, get this done. Once it has aired out and has no odor, you can use it for your tortoise.


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Hi this point, it seems to me that getting your tort the proper enclosure, diet, sunlight, and exercise is more important now than knowing what breed it is. Eventually, you'll find out, but what I would like to know is since you are in Sweden, would your tort get enough sunlight there? If there is about 6 months of darkness (you will have to tell us), then you'll have to provide enough uv lighting to compensate for the lack of real sunlight. Also, it gets to be real real cold there in the winter months. If you get to build an outdoor enclosure, how do you intend to handle your tort in and out of his enclosures when he gets to be over 100 pounds and its freezing out? Just food for thought :rolleyes:

DannyAndTurtle said:
Hello everyone!
This will unfortunatly be my first post here but need help.
First sorry about all the spelling mistakes i will do, English is not my first language :)

5 Days ago we got a turtle in our house. It was not planned and to be honest i dont think we would ever get one. But, it was here and now was the time to sort this little boy out.
Started reasearching internet for as much info as possible and came uppon this site after a while.

I have 2 problems:

1. What type of Tortoise do i got in my home?
2. Will my panik made enclosure be enough for a while?
- Its 1200mm Long and 400mm Deep and 400mm/300mm High.
- On highest point he will have about 120mm to the edge.

Pics of the lill dude, named by my 5 yearold, "Bowser".

Pics of Table/Enclosure.

Thank you for any help you able or willing to Give.


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As far as IDing, it's definitely some type of testudo. My first guess was Hermann's but I know so little about torts in general... it's probably a greek as already stated :) Either way, they both require very similar care.


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Sep 23, 2012
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Ok. Here goes. :)

At the moment I have got.
- 1 Intense basking Spot 75W (EXO TERRA)
- 1 Reflector 14cm (side clamp type) (Trixie)
- Food (got some sallad and Tort pellets)
and Reptile Vitamins (with d3) (Zoo Med)
- Hay
- Bowls (for food n water)
- Started building the enclosure. More work than i thought lol.

In the works.
- UVB Light been ordered. (think thats what it is, its a ultraviolet one).
- Daylight lamp?? Needed?
- Looking like crazy for a suitable type of substrate.
- Looking for seeds so i can plant some food for the tort.
- Materials for a outdoor enclosure has been ordered.

I havent had any time today to work on the enclosure.
But will do tomorrow. Then its all getting a sealant on it... Painting will be
done the day after.

Still building on the "hide", was stupid and used leftover pieces.
Always gives you more not less work.

Im going to have to have a good loong think about the "deep" end of the box tho.
Not sure yet if im going to just put a board in to make it a little less deep
or just fill it.

Trying to find some nice flat rounded basking stones to. Think he would like that. ( out looking for some nice Diabase stones )

At the moment he seems fine and likes his basking lamp.

Thank you for the help :)


lynnedit said:
For a 'panic' enclosure, this looks very good. Your tortoise is small, so it will work just fine.
Perhaps in late Spring, you can think about an outside enclosure too. ;)

They do love to burrow. Many enclosures have substrate that are too shallow, so yours will work out very well. It is better a bit too deep, than too shallow!

Perhaps you can arrange lighting with UV on the open lower end, and just a basking light for warmth on the second level, if you add a ramp to it. Plexiglass as additional protection, if needed, along the sides, works very well.

Looks like you have sealed the edges and corners. Do the 'water test' and if the enclosure needs sealing, get this done. Once it has aired out and has no odor, you can use it for your tortoise.

Thank you !

futureleopardtortoise said:
As far as IDing, it's definitely some type of testudo. My first guess was Hermann's but I know so little about torts in general... it's probably a greek as already stated :) Either way, they both require very similar care.

Thank you.


Well, kinda like to know how to take care of the lill bugger, knowing what he is and where he comes from makes that a lot easier.

I got him exactly 6 days ago in a lill shaggy thing you use to grow herbs in. To be put in the window. The thing is not much bigger than my keyboard.
NO substrate what so ever. A small stone not really usable for anything.
And a bottlecap with some food pellets.
Thats it! Thats the whole story about when i got him. ( ohh ya the box is broken as well)

The tort is a rescue, but the people that took him had no clue, even less the rescue place. have made a angry phonecall.
The ppl who took him from the rescue eventually figured they were
out of their deepth. Now he's here.

I am trying to make a bad situation for this little life as good as possible and there for joined this forum. To ask help and advice as time goes.
Even if it wasent a planned thing, he is now here and will stay here since it only took 1 day for all of us to fall in love with the lill tort.

We live in a pretty large house with a nice grassy garden in southern sweden. With temperatures comparable to those around northern US.

He gonna be fine outside for quite a good portion of the year outside.
(plans are allready on the way to get him a part inside part outside enclosure)

Real cold?? I dont know most winters we dont even get snow??
And NO we dont have polarbears walking the streets.

Testudo, 100 pounds?

Thank you.


sibi said:
Hi this point, it seems to me that getting your tort the proper enclosure, diet, sunlight, and exercise is more important now than knowing what breed it is. Eventually, you'll find out, but what I would like to know is since you are in Sweden, would your tort get enough sunlight there? If there is about 6 months of darkness (you will have to tell us), then you'll have to provide enough uv lighting to compensate for the lack of real sunlight. Also, it gets to be real real cold there in the winter months. If you get to build an outdoor enclosure, how do you intend to handle your tort in and out of his enclosures when he gets to be over 100 pounds and its freezing out? Just food for thought :rolleyes:


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Russian tortoises don't get much over 10" or 25cm long (female), no worries there. Her previous enclosure sounds like a nightmare! So glad you took her on.

If your lamp that you ordered gives off ultraviolet (UVB) AND heat then that can be your main source of daytime heat on the lower end. The only place you might need the additional basking light to increase activity, is the upper level IF you build a ramp to it.
You should not need night heat unless your house gets under about 15c or so.

For substrate, what about regular garden soil, as long as it does not have chemicals in it? Or topsoil from a garden center (organic, if possible; no added artificial fertilizers, etc.)?

Your yard sounds like tortoise heaven. There are a couple of members from Sweden and Norway with amazing outdoor enclosures.

Take it one step at a time, think about how much better your tortoise's life is already!


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Sep 23, 2012
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Hi there.

Thank you for taking the time.

This is the lamp i have for him now: Intense Basking Spot Lamp PT2136 - S20/75W
This is the lamp i have ordered: TURTLE UVB BULB PT2179 - 11W (EUROPE)

Will that be enough?

The house doesent go under 20c EVER lol! The better half would have a strong word with me if that ever happened :)

I have seen alot of ppl having temp readers in the habitat. Is that necessary??

So i should try and find some organic soil for him? Great will do!

Thx for the help and sugestions very much appreciate it! :)


lynnedit said:
Russian tortoises don't get much over 10" or 25cm long (female), no worries there. Her previous enclosure sounds like a nightmare! So glad you took her on.

If your lamp that you ordered gives off ultraviolet (UVB) AND heat then that can be your main source of daytime heat on the lower end. The only place you might need the additional basking light to increase activity, is the upper level IF you build a ramp to it.
You should not need night heat unless your house gets under about 15c or so.

For substrate, what about regular garden soil, as long as it does not have chemicals in it? Or topsoil from a garden center (organic, if possible; no added artificial fertilizers, etc.)?

Your yard sounds like tortoise heaven. There are a couple of members from Sweden and Norway with amazing outdoor enclosures.

Take it one step at a time, think about how much better your tortoise's life is already!

Yvonne G

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That tortoise isn't going to get to be even 10lbs. Its either a Greek or a Hermann's. That is a small species of tortoise. I'll PM to one of our more knowledgeable members for and I.D. for you.


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Oops, I mixed this up with another thread and mentioned 'Russian' tortoise. Must have been too late at night, lol!
I see that Greek tortoise has been suggested and you will find out more.
In any case, the care will be much the same.

I am not familiar with that bulb. It indicates it is for aquatic tortoises. It does not look like it gives out heat, but does give out UV. You would need the basking light with it.

Can you access the Arcadia brand bulbs? They seem very successful in the UK. You could either get a UV tube light and use your basking light, or get one of their MVB's and use the basking light in another area.

or with a basking light for heat


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So been some time but been mega much at work, 14 hour days :S

Still waiting for the UVB light to arrive. (get here allready)

Box almost finnished, need one more coat of paint inside and out.

Decided to go all out and the box is painted on the inside with some
VERY expensive Bathroom primer/sealer and over that a good
bathroom wall paint.

Outside is some leftover white furniture paint.

So thats primer 3 coats, paint 2 coats on inside and 2 coats of wall paint on outside.

Still working on the hide since my saw broke :( and need tome filler to dry.

Im still not sure what type the lill guy is, so having problems there :)

On to some pics then.

Filler and silicon.

Primer going on.

First coat of paint.

Going to update as much and often as i can.
Any ideas how and where to get the tort ID'd would be apreciated.

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