Please help answer my questions about my baby sulcata!!


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
I have recently had the pleasure of getting a baby sulcata who is about a month or two old he is about the size of an egg haha the humidity is usually around high 60’s and the temp in the enclosure is mid 80’s in the morning and mid 70’s at night but I had a few questions
1. How moist should his substrate be? I give his enclosure a spray every morning to keep humidity high and also soak him every morning outside for some natural sunlight but I have recently noticed the bottom of his shell isn’t as hard as the top of his shell when I gently press I can feel that it isn’t as hard as the top it isn’t super squishy and watery but is this normal? If not is it because the substrate is to wet?
2. What are signs of shell rot and Metabolic Bone Disease and how can I prevent them? Or any other diseases a sulcata can Get Iwant my boy to grow up healthy
3. How moist should his humid hide be and could it cause any problems if it’s to wet
4. How can I prevent pyramiding an what causes it
5. I am feeding him zilla tortoise pellets and I bought some Mustard greens, Collard greens, and kale for my sulcata and I rotate between food to give him variety I also use a calcium powder called Repti Calcium how much of it should I sprinkle into his food? I don’t want him to have pyramiding
6. Is there any tips or mistakes u have seen people make that u could tell me
7. What is normal baby behavior? I raised the temps in the enclosure and it had caused him to become more active (77 degrees to mid 80’s in the day) he is very shy and spends time in his little half log I have for him should I trust him to know when to move in and out of his little hiding place and into the more dry areas of the enclosure or is there a certain amount of time he should only be spending in his log and in dry areas. He also walks around when he thinks no one is looking haha I see him walking and exploring and climbing.

If u take the time to respond to me I would really appreciate it and thank you for your time I just want my little man to grow up healthy


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
He also makes a little squeal of noise when he is startled and quickly moves into his shell also how can I prevent a respiratory infection?


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Jul 14, 2018
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Marshalltown IA
He also makes a little squeal of noise when he is startled and quickly moves into his shell also how can I prevent a respiratory infection?
I have a little Russian tort. Mine also makes the hissing sound when it goes into her shell. It's just the air being pushed out of their lungs really quickly. At 1st it scared me and my grandma. Now my grandma just hisses back at my tort lol [emoji1]
Respiratory infections are caused by improper temps.
[emoji4] sorry I can't be much more help!


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Go there and start reading. Especially read “How to raise a healthy sulcata or leopard”. It may no be exactly named that but you should see it.

Just a few things, temps should never go below 80 for a hatchling. Pyramiding is caused by lack of hydration and low humidity. A closed chamber (little air escaping) is the way to achieve this. Humidity should be above 80%.
Sulcatas are not as susceptible to shell rot as other species.
He should be eating mostly grass and some weeds. You’ll find all that info in one of the articles in the link I gave you.
Provide a small pinch of calcium powder on his food 2-3 times a week.
If possible, give him outside time for about an hour a day on a warm day.

We will need to see pictures of the enclosure to help you further. We need to know about the lights you have set up and how you check the temps and humidity. Please read the articles. This forum has the most up to date info and correct care instructions.


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
Thank you I will be sure to read and post a picture my humidity is high 70’s I am still trying to push it to 80 and above and he has a small little hide with moss inside and I have also been seeing him move into the basking areas and into his log so I believe that he is regulating himself and is healthy? at the temperature ranges from 80-90 in the day and mid 70’s at night and Is the grocery diet ok for a little variety or should I purely feed him hay?
Also how often should I mist his enclosure


Is it much bigger than it seems I promise haha my little man is the size of an egg right now and I also let him roam around for some extra exercise and I will take the whole enclosure outside for some natural sunlight along with his baths outside as well.


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Welcome if your enclosure is not completely enclosed it will be hard to keep humidity above 80% or higher. What type substrate do you have? When they are young the bottom shell can feel a little soft. Generally with sulcata's they are not susceptible to shell rot.
What are you using for heat and light?
Read what TriciaStringer sent you. You should find a lot of answers there.
I will read your post again and try to respond to more of your questions but you will probably find answers in that thread.
Ask questions anytime.


The Dog Trainer
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Thank you very much! Also I have gotten the humidity up to 88% and the temperature to stay at 80 degrees and above
I noticed you are using a towel. Switch the towel with a thick plastic shower curtain. That will help hold in humidity. What are you doing for nighttime heat? It needs to be completely dark in there so he can sleep better. A CHE is the best way to heat it up at night. You’ll find more info about that and what needs to go with the Che in those links.

Also, remove the moss. They have been known to eat it and can cause impaction.

Check under your basking light to make sure it is reaching the correct temp and not getting too hot. It may be the angle, but it looks very low.

I don’t think I’ve seen a pic of your adorable tortoise. Post a pic.


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
Sorry for the late response but I put a thin curtain with small holes over the towel and it had reached up to 88 humidity so I just need to learn how to control it, it is working great so far also the heat is so close because it is a CHE 60 watt light and it is kinda weak but I just ordered a new CHE that I will be using for night time and day time to maintain 80 degrees and above and it won’t be that close haha.

Also I am using a cypress mulch with coco coir mixed into it and I’ve heard many different things about how wet the substrate should be and if I should or should not put moss into it’s half log hiding?


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona

He is a little shy which I hope will change also it is hard for him to eat is it normal for him not to run to his food bowl when I put it out? And I usually just leave the food out until it’s bed time or it’s all gone and I will catch him eating when he thinks I’m not around haha


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He is a little shy which I hope will change also it is hard for him to eat is it normal for him not to run to his food bowl when I put it out? And I usually just leave the food out until it’s bed time or it’s all gone and I will catch him eating when he thinks I’m not around haha

Yes, it’s completely normal. Your tort will eat when he is hungry... and when he feels safe.

If he isn’t hungry and/or there is something to make him feel unsafe (like a human watching his every move) then he won’t eat... he will hide.

Give him a soak first thing in the morning then leave him entirely alone to be brave and explore. Gradually he will learn that you are associated with yummy food, but some tortoises are very slow to work this out and it can take months!


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona

I think he just needed to try his food but I love this little guy and if anyone has anything I should look out for or any tips I would appreciate it but he’s active and eating I think he just needed to make sure I didn’t mean any harm haha


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Mar 12, 2019
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Sounds like your baby's a shy eater? Maybe just feeling vulnerable and so won't eat with you watching? I am by no means knowledgable about this, just guessing. When I got my hatchling, he would sometimes do that. No so much now as he loves food time, but he will be more cautious and won't eat if I am moving too cast for him. If I sit down and make myself move around at a slower pace, more fluid and gentle movements, he won't startle as much. If I'm in a hurry from a busy day, I will still startle him at times. But if he's mad at me or I don't him out for outside time at our usual scheduled time, he'll purposely refuse anything I pick to give him and he'll go find it on his own. He's only like that on days we have to wait to get outside because of rain or cold fronts. Je's got very expressive eyes, and he lets you know his mood. Quite the attitude mine has. Hahaha.


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
Kinda sounds like mine haha it takes him a little while to eat but when I pet his sheep gently and feed him a piece of kale on my hand then Set him in the food bowl he will walk around and the. Walk back and then start eating but I can’t make to much noise or move to fast or he will shoot right back into his shell


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Jul 14, 2018
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Mine will avoid the food. Nibble on it. Smell it and slowly eat it throughout the day. Unless I put out the dry food. Then she runs too it


Mar 22, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Surprise Arizona
Sounds exactly like mine I snuck up on him and saw him eating so as long as he eats and stay healthy haha I also have dry pellets I soak in water to feed and hopefully he will enjoy them and eat them

Also how wet should I keep my substrate I use cypress mulch and coco coir mixed together


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Sounds exactly like mine I snuck up on him and saw him eating so as long as he eats and stay healthy haha I also have dry pellets I soak in water to feed and hopefully he will enjoy them and eat them

Also how wet should I keep my substrate I use cypress mulch and coco coir mixed together
Your baby tort looks dry on the pics. Do you soak him every day for 20 - 30 min in warm water ? Baby torts need to be good hydrated.


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I pour hot water directly in the enclosure and mix it up. The moisture will last 3 or 4 days. Better than spraying all the time. Enough water to make it nice and moist but not mud.