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Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
"Welcome to the Forum!!"

On this forum, many members will welcome you and probably will ask for your name and your location. This is merely an attempt to be friendly and to get to know you better. It also aids us to better answer any questions you may have about caring for your tortoises, as your location and climate are often important factors in housing tortoises. Divulging this information is absolutely optional, and we understand perfectly if you choose to keep your name and location private. We also do not need the actual location where you live, simply saying something general like Nebraska or southeastern Nebraska is enough information. Or if you would rather, even giving us a country like the UK, is helpful.

To Set a Geographical Area

To set a geographical area, scroll your mouse over your username in the upper right hand corner of the screen and click on "Personal Details." Scroll down the page and find "location." You can fill in a city, a state or even something like: Southwestern U.S.

Try a "Search" Before You Ask Your Question

If you use the search button up top to search older threads many of your questions may have already been answered. You might also try scrolling through our "Frequently Asked Questions" section.

Tips for Getting Your Question Answered Quickly

An appropriate and detailed subject for your post is always good. For example, a post titled 'please help' or 'help' tells others nothing about your problem. Try to be specific, like: 'Diet help for russian tortoise hatchling.'

Posting in the "For Sale" Section

Since our main function is as a conversation forum and not a classified ad forum, you will not be able to post in the "for sale" section until you have been an ACTIVE member, having participated in 100 posts. This includes "for sale," "for sale-Canada" and "adoptions."

Texting Type Spelling

Not all of our members are fluent in "text speak" so you may receive fewer responses if you use texting abbreviations when typing your posts.

Guide to Posting Photos - PC and APP
(courtesy of Nephelle)

Uploading Pictures!

To upload directly from your hard drive:


Uploading from the TFO App:


"People will be much more likely to help you if they can see you're trying to help yourself" - Wynne

Help Using This Site

If you are having trouble navigating this site or using one of its many functions, try our built-in help files.

If all else fails, don't hesitate to use our contact form to email your question directly to Josh.
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