Poorly baby, i need help


New Member
May 15, 2023
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Stoke on trent

This is shelly he's (we just call him he) is sick. We took him the vets last week and he said light damage was the problem with shellys eye. I messaged the breeder. I seem to be ghosted now.

Shelly is back at the vets tomorrow evening.
And extra advice?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
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This is shelly he's (we just call him he) is sick. We took him the vets last week and he said light damage was the problem with shellys eye. I messaged the breeder. I seem to be ghosted now.

Shelly is back at the vets tomorrow evening.
And extra advice?
You've got some reading to do. People don't start babies correctly, and then give terrible housing advice. Almost all of the info found in pet shops, on line and from vets and breeders is all wrong. FB, YT, reddit, all wrong...

Where to begin...

Start here, and look for the heating and lighting breakdown at the bottom along with the sulcata care sheet. Make changes fast to save this baby.

After reading those two threads, you might find some insight here:

The baby should be on damp substrate in a large closed chamber with warm temps and high humidity day and night. Night temp should nt drop below 27C. With a sick one, You might want night temps closer to 30C. Day time ambient temps should reach 30-33 all day long, and the basking area directly under an incandescent flood bulb should be 36-37C. Do not use spot bulbs, MVBs, or halogens for tortoises.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Soaking in warm water does wonders for a poorly baby. Use a bowl he can't climb out of, but small enough that you can put it back into his enclosure where it will stay warm for the duration of the soak. Place it NEXT to, but not directly under the light. Leave him soaking for a half hour or so. The water should come up to the bridge ( the part of the shell where top shell meets bottom shell).

Ricky j

May 13, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Try vitamin A drops
And in the summertime put your tortoise outside to get the natural light and try raising the bulb in Shelly's enclosure to 12 to 14 inches normally damage to the eyes happens when the light is to close to the tortoise/turtles try contacting Chris Leone from garden state tortoise and asking him for any suggestions he can give you he's one of the best turtle and tortoises guys out there and if you don't mind me asking what breeder did you buy Shelly from