Pretend Chat 2.14


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 3, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
NW Houston TX
Good morning everyone, or afternoon for my good buddy AbdulaAli

0.0.1 Redfoot (Spike)
0.0.1 Cherryhead Redfoot (Bruce Wayne)
1.0 Sulcata (Hal Jordan)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 3, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
NW Houston TX
Did anybody else get a PM from Ladylee asking if the uneven growth on the shell of her tort is normal. I hate to not help someone who has a question but I don't know this member and when I clicked her profile she only has one post. My "scammer radar" is a dinging.

0.0.1 Redfoot (Spike)
0.0.1 Cherryhead Redfoot (Bruce Wayne)
1.0 Sulcata (Hal Jordan)


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Dubai/New York
Good morning everyone, or afternoon for my good buddy AbdulaAli

0.0.1 Redfoot (Spike)
0.0.1 Cherryhead Redfoot (Bruce Wayne)
1.0 Sulcata (Hal Jordan)
Good morning friend! It's evening here :p


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jun 23, 2014
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Dubai/New York
It's voting day!!!!
Mid-term elections? Voting is very important, since whatever is legal (or illegal) in a certain state is determined by the people elected (at least that's how I think it works). Am I correct?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Yesterday, I took the car I have been using (my daughter's) to WalMart in a nearby town to get it another new tire. I walked into the shop area and from behind I got this huge bear hug. Turns out it was my youngest son, who was there to get the car he had an oil change. Was an unexpected surprise and it made the long wait go by faster. He had been at my house the day before, to do some heavy lifting kind of yardwork for me (plus had changed a different tire on this same car and took me to WalMart to get it a new tire). He had ended up spending the night at my ex's, thus why he was at THAT location. Sure made my weekend and rainy Monday morning nicer. :)


Well-Known Member
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Jun 24, 2012
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Mid-term elections? Voting is very important, since whatever is legal (or illegal) in a certain state is determined by the people elected (at least that's how I think it works). Am I correct?
I'm not terribly great at understanding it myself, just know yes it's quite important and what my history teacher in high school tried to teach us. The person elected has a large say, but they don't have like a final say on their own and others to have to agree to specific things to be legal/illegal, but who is elected has their ideas of what's right and it sets the frame for what will be legal and stuff, so like if someone's for universal healthcare (Dont think that one's too controvercial) things to be law would be more likely to be toward keeping or making universal healthcare, but if someone's against it they would try to make things pass to prevent universal healthcare from happening or try to break it up. But they wouldn't have the specific and final say over it, but things are likely to go with what they beleive/support which is why we vote.
I dont know if that helps or just made things more confusing lol, but I hope it explained at least something :)

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Did anybody else get a PM from Ladylee asking if the uneven growth on the shell of her tort is normal. I hate to not help someone who has a question but I don't know this member and when I clicked her profile she only has one post. My "scammer radar" is a dinging.

0.0.1 Redfoot (Spike)
0.0.1 Cherryhead Redfoot (Bruce Wayne)
1.0 Sulcata (Hal Jordan)

Since I'm not a newbie, I can't see the Forum as a brand new person sees it, but my Spidey sense tells me that it's easier for new members to figure out the PM system than it is to figure out how to post a new thread. I get lots of PMs from new members that would be better served as a thread instead. I give an abbreviated reply, then tell them that if they post their question on the forum they would have better results from many experienced members.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I've got a question. When one chooses to follow someone, do you get an alert when the one being followed posts a post or what?

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