Pretend Chat 2.14

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
My 17 year old nephew has a band and they are having a gig tonight that I'm going to.

Until then, hopefully I'll get some cleaning done!

I used to love going to my son's high school band concerts. For kids, they sounded great!

A friend of mine just got his driver license. He is inviting us to his home this evening for dinner with some other families. Other then that, we have a normal Saturday.

Oh boy! Dinner at a friend's. I love it when someone else cooks for me!!

Does maybe having ex show up so we can haul off all my piles of branches count?

Of course it counts! Anytime you can get someone else to help you with your work its "special."

View attachment 151790
It had no water and only dry hay as food :(

It's just a display case. And other than the food and water, it actually looks quite pretty.

Happy Saturday!!
Our only plans are two soccer games in 100 degree Santa Ana heat!!!
It has been so windy! Yesterday we hit 106.

We also need to move stuff around in our garage so the guys can install the solar box panel thing. Our new system is going in next week.

My husband was in a car accident/fender bender last week so we are picking up his truck now from the body shop.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'll be lurking:)

You have a full day ahead of you. Hubby wasn't hurt in the fender bender?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
LOL!!!! I wondered where they went.

So you're saying you've got a parking place near your house and you can't drive to the store or you won't be able to park at home again? Poor Cameron. I think some of us need to make up some Care packages with good, healthy food for you. Your house doesn't have a garage? Oh well, at least you're exercising when you have to walk to the store.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Dang it! No more pictures from me until I can afford to buy a new camera. I took it outside this a.m. to get a picture of SO's destruction and set it down someplace. Now I can't find it. I've been all over the whole property, traced my steps, to no avail. If it was my phone (which I've lost quite a few times) I could have my daughter call me and listen for it to ring. But my camera is just quietly sitting there, letting the sun drain its battery. Dang, dang and double dang! (Here's where I need a different emoji that what we're cursed with)


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Cameron, for me the nearest store is 6-8 miles from my location. I've no truck any longer, but plenty of parking areas here, and the state has made the decision that I can no longer, "safely/legally drive". I wish I had spicy cheese puffs to munch on.


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@Yvonne G It's not a high school band concert. He actually has his own band and plays gigs. He has one tonight.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I thought to give it one more look, and thank goodness, I was able to find my camera. It was in the dog bath tub in the back yard. So here's what SO did to the grape trellis yesterday:

SO's destruction a.jpg SO's destruction b.jpg SO's destruction c.jpg

I took the pictures this a.m. and he was out there actually eating the grape leaves.

On another note, I accidently discovered that my Kindle takes pictures and videos. But I don't know how to move them from the Kindle to the Forum. I was sitting in my recliner yesterday watching a video on my Kindle. When it was over, I clicked on the 'home' button and there was a strange little icon that had never been there before. It was a circle with lines in it (I've since realized it's a shutter). I clicked on it and a still picture of Misty laying in her bed appeared on the screen. I thought what the heck? Then I realized I just took a picture of Misty laying in her bed! It was a real nice picture too...good quality and very clear. Now I just have to figure out how to transfer the pictures out of t;he Kindle, and voila! If I ever leave my camera outside again, I have my back up Kindel!!!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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SO just wanted that grape leaf that was way up high, teasingly waving to SO in the breeze.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Cameron, for me the nearest store is 6-8 miles from my location. I've no truck any longer, but plenty of parking areas here, and the state has made the decision that I can no longer, "safely/legally drive". I wish I had spicy cheese puffs to munch on.

You need a horse again.


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
You need a horse again.
Here is a map/satellite view with the guesstimate for how long to walk to Safeway for me. ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1444504735.602576.jpg
Home is the green dot, Safeway is the red one. Wait a minute…2-1/2 hours one way, it's only 7.3 miles for crying out loud.


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Here is a map/satellite view with the guesstimate for how long to walk to Safeway for me. View attachment 151824
Home is the green dot, Safeway is the red one. Wait a minute…2-1/2 hours one way, it's only 7.3 miles for crying out loud.
I would love to live out in the country but unfortunately it's just not feasible because I can't drive. I would hate that stranded feeling. So I do sympathize. Are you able to ride a bike? Heck of a lot faster than walking.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Are you able to ride a bike? Heck of a lot faster than walking.
The concern for things like bike riding, other than just crashes, I currently am unable to turn my head. That and bumpy roads could lead to a setback for my broken neck vertebrae.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I would hate that stranded feeling. So I do sympathize.
And yes, the stranded feeling is at times overwhelming. There isn't even public transportation out here. I'll get you a closer in satellite photo that shows more of where I am.


Well-Known Member
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The concern for things like bike riding, other than just crashes, I currently am unable to turn my head. That and bumpy roads could lead to a setback for my broken neck vertebrae.
I forgot that you are still under neck precautions. Oops. Have they said you can never drive again or do you just have to retest in a few months?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 2, 2013
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southeast Washington
And yes, the stranded feeling is at times overwhelming. There isn't even public transportation out here. I'll get you a closer in satellite photo that shows more of where I am.
Sometimes people have a negative attitude towards public transportation. As if it is below them or something. But when it is your only option you appreciate it. And I admit it makes for some interesting people watching him sometimes.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I forgot that you are still under neck precautions. Oops. Have they said you can never drive again or do you just have to retest in a few months?
Retest when all is "fixed". The neutral-surgeon said I get this hard neck collar on 24/7 at the least until the end of October. But on the plus side, that time is rapidly approaching, then more Xrays to check on the healing progression.

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