Pretend Chat 2.14


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 21, 2010
I am sure soon you will be wiping away those raindrops, Mike. Lol happy Sunday Mike and that CA guy.
Happy Happy Joy Joy to you too you too! ....Sounds like you had a nice day with the kiddo yesterday!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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Today I'm STILL moving. And trying to figure out what to do about the tortoises. Not as nice of a yard here. I'll have to build an enclosure to keep them away from the fence with the mean dog on the other side.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Whatcha all doin' today?

My usual Sunday stuff - wash clothes, water tortoise yards, I think today I may trim back the rose bushes, eat lunch, read and nap. A very busy Sunday indeed!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I asked my S-I-L to come over to give me some thoughts about moving a hose bib to the back yard. He and my daughter had both grandsons for the week-end, so when Jim came over he brought little Cyrus with him. Cy is about 2 years old and just the cutest little boy on the planet.

So we're standing there in Dudley's yard looking at my hose/pipe/jury-rigged mess and talking about it and Cyrus says something and points (I don't understand kid talk) and I look and Dudley's sneaking up behind Jim. I said, "Lookout, Jim, he rams." ...and he moved and we went on talking about what he can do to fix my pipe.

Cyrus calls my daughter and Jim Damma and Dampa. My daughter called me up last night and said Cyrus wants to sleep with "Jim" tonight. Isn't it amazing how much those little sponge minds absorb? I called him Jim one time and there wasn't any emphasis on the word at all.

While we were looking around at the different tortoises Cy climbed up on a eucalyptus stump and was holding onto the fence, looking over. He picked up a dried up old poop and tossed it on the ground. I went over and picked it up and tossed it over the fence outside the pen. It was full of fig seeds. So it was either raccoon or possum. I hope it was possum. They don't bother my turtles. But my fig tree is in the YF yard and the figs are ripe now. (Yes, we washed his hands. I know about 'possum and raccoon poop)

Cyrus is pretty afraid of the larger tortoises, but he loves holding the baby ones. But I'm afraid he's going to be a snake/lizard person. His dad keeps snakes and lizards and Cy isn't the least bit afraid of holding them. Yuck.

Maggie Cummings

DARLINGTON!!!! We are going back in time. They haven't raced at Darlington for years. All the cars will have old paint schemes, the old timers will be there, David Pearson, Bobby Allison (Richard Petty, yuck) etc. I am so excited I should be twins. Church lost out today, as I will worship at the church of NASCAR....MY God understands......and I am so happy that Junior is out for the season, because he has symptoms of a concussion......awwwww. WIMP! I've now in my 70 years have had 14 concussions. Ya just keep going on, you don't curl up and wimp out. He is a crappy driver, and has skated by on his father's reputation. It's time he gave it up. Thanks God, I am a happy NASCAR fan today.

BTW, my new avatar is Blue Blue, he liked watching NASCAR. No more turtles or tortoises.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Car racing (or any kind of televised sport really) has never interested me. You can have it Maggie!

(I didn't even see Blue Blue sitting on top of the TV until you just now said his name. )

Maggie Cummings

Car racing (or any kind of televised sport really) has never interested me. You can have it Maggie!

(I didn't even see Blue Blue sitting on top of the TV until you just now said his name. )

Yeah, he's hard to see. But the funny part was he would watch the racing, but when the talking heads were on, or a commercial he'd fly away to pick on my hair, when the cars came back, he flew back to the TV. I wish it wasn't so dark, he actually is bent over watching the racing. Too funny. But I don't miss him, much anyway. You don't watch football either? What family did you come from? I remember watching basketball and football with your father.
I did it, now you can see him......


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Today I'm STILL moving. And trying to figure out what to do about the tortoises. Not as nice of a yard here. I'll have to build an enclosure to keep them away from the fence with the mean dog on the other side.

Done yet?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Car racing (or any kind of televised sport really) has never interested me. You can have it Maggie!

(I didn't even see Blue Blue sitting on top of the TV until you just now said his name. )

Never been a huge fan either, but rather watch it on TV, then listen to it on the radio. Saturday night on my way to work guess what the local radio station has on. :rolleyes:

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I'm going to "labor" in the house today on this Labor Day. William is coming Friday to pick up the baby leopard tortoises and I can't have him seeing this pig sty I live in. (I'm hoping he brings me the Manouria baby with the aberrant scutes!)

I had to bring all the babies in last night. It was only 89F yesterday, so I knew it would be a bit on the cool side overnight. In fact, when I took Misty out this a.m. a zero dark thirty, I had to wear my robe it was so cool. I know...I know...I complain about the heat then start complaining as soon as it cools off. But between the two I think I'd rather have the heat.

Anyone know what I can do about my keyboard? Some of the keys are very hard to push. It plays heck with fast typing. I've tipped it on its side and blew compressed air from a can all over it, but that didn't help. Get a new one? If I plug in my old keyboard from my old computer, will it work with this computer?

Maggie Cummings

I'm going to "labor" in the house today on this Labor Day. William is coming Friday to pick up the baby leopard tortoises and I can't have him seeing this pig sty I live in. (I'm hoping he brings me the Manouria baby with the aberrant scutes!)

I had to bring all the babies in last night. It was only 89F yesterday, so I knew it would be a bit on the cool side overnight. In fact, when I took Misty out this a.m. a zero dark thirty, I had to wear my robe it was so cool. I know...I know...I complain about the heat then start complaining as soon as it cools off. But between the two I think I'd rather have the heat.

Anyone know what I can do about my keyboard? Some of the keys are very hard to push. It plays heck with fast typing. I've tipped it on its side and blew compressed air from a can all over it, but that didn't help. Get a new one? If I plug in my old keyboard from my old computer, will it work with this computer?

yes, and get a new one anyway, they are not expensive, and I myself, welfare child have bought a new one.........

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