Pretend Chat 2.14

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I occasionally watch re-runs of the Tonight Show on ME TV (a cable channel). A couple nights ago Johnny had as his guest Joseph Newman, who claimed to have invented a machine that put out more energy than it took to run it. The show was way back in the '80's so I was curious what had happened to Joe and his invention in the intervening years.

According to results found on Google, Joe was never able to get a patent and most everyone in the scientific world thought his invention was hokum.

Still curious, I went on Amazon and tried to find:
The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman : An Invention Whose Time Has Come
by Joseph Westley Newman

Lo and behold, Amazon actually has copies of the book. It must be some sort of collectors item because the soft cover book sells for more than the hard cover book - hardcover - $99 and paperback - $199.

I'm sure it's too scientific for my mind, and I don't have that kind of money. I was really just curious if he was still alive and if the idea ever gained momentum. Poor Joe.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
A few weeks ago I took my Dyson vacuum cleaner to the shop because it wouldn't pick up the scented powder you sprinkle on the carpet before vacuuming. When I got it back it looked like a brand new vacuum. They cleaned it up nicely. It was plugged and the filters were dirty.

I haven't had a chance to try it out yet because I've been using my Sears Kenmore canister vacuum instead. This a.m. I noticed that when I sat the Kenmore down after using it there was quite a deposit of sand under the vacuum head.

The Kenmore has a light on the body that turns on when the bag is full. I've been going by that light, and it hasn't come on. So I figured the pipe must be plugged. No, pipes and hoses are all ok. So I opened the vacuum. OMG! I don't know how, because I never vacuum up wet, but at some time that bag was wet (you could see the water stains) and it fell apart on both sides of it. The inside of that canister was plumb full of lint, dust, sand and debris. And the light never came on. The vacuum tube and hose was jammed back up more than a foot.

I have to really give lots of brownie points to Sears. That is one heck of a vacuum. Even though it was all plugged up and the canister was plumb full, it still had so much suction!! The Dyson, on the other hand, had a few dry cat food crumbles in the tube and it didn't pick up worth snot.

(and you all know how much I love doing housework!)


Unknown Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 5, 2011
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I occasionally watch re-runs of the Tonight Show on ME TV (a cable channel). A couple nights ago Johnny had as his guest Joseph Newman, who claimed to have invented a machine that put out more energy than it took to run it. The show was way back in the '80's so I was curious what had happened to Joe and his invention in the intervening years.

According to results found on Google, Joe was never able to get a patent and most everyone in the scientific world thought his invention was hokum.

Still curious, I went on Amazon and tried to find:
The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman : An Invention Whose Time Has Come
by Joseph Westley Newman

Lo and behold, Amazon actually has copies of the book. It must be some sort of collectors item because the soft cover book sells for more than the hard cover book - hardcover - $99 and paperback - $199.

I'm sure it's too scientific for my mind, and I don't have that kind of money. I was really just curious if he was still alive and if the idea ever gained momentum. Poor Joe.

Reminds me of the water car nonsense from a few year ago. I'll have to bring it up and make fun of my sister next time I see her.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 7, 2013
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A few weeks ago I took my Dyson vacuum cleaner to the shop because it wouldn't pick up the scented powder you sprinkle on the carpet before vacuuming. When I got it back it looked like a brand new vacuum. They cleaned it up nicely. It was plugged and the filters were dirty.

I haven't had a chance to try it out yet because I've been using my Sears Kenmore canister vacuum instead. This a.m. I noticed that when I sat the Kenmore down after using it there was quite a deposit of sand under the vacuum head.

The Kenmore has a light on the body that turns on when the bag is full. I've been going by that light, and it hasn't come on. So I figured the pipe must be plugged. No, pipes and hoses are all ok. So I opened the vacuum. OMG! I don't know how, because I never vacuum up wet, but at some time that bag was wet (you could see the water stains) and it fell apart on both sides of it. The inside of that canister was plumb full of lint, dust, sand and debris. And the light never came on. The vacuum tube and hose was jammed back up more than a foot.

I have to really give lots of brownie points to Sears. That is one heck of a vacuum. Even though it was all plugged up and the canister was plumb full, it still had so much suction!! The Dyson, on the other hand, had a few dry cat food crumbles in the tube and it didn't pick up worth snot.

(and you all know how much I love doing housework!)
Looks like you are having visitor sometime soon??......;);)

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Looks like you are having visitor sometime soon??......;);)
You know me so well. I only clean house when someone's coming! Yup, Will is coming this week-end to pick up the newly hatched leopard babies.

Maggie Cummings

Good morning all!!! We have SUN! So first thing this morning I fell down 7 stairs going to feed my Sulcata in the shed, so all the food went all over, so I have put him in the grass and weeds, eat that sucker or starve cuz my knee is damaged and I am going to go sit on the couch.
Oh sh*t, some jerk called 911 on me. Guess I gotta go argue, you ain't taking me no place. period.

This was supposed to post this am, but it's damned hard to argue with ambulance operators

Maggie Cummings

You ok Maggie?

Thanks for asking Jacqui. I have a bloody injury on both knees (no big deal) they are just raw and hurt. But I hurt my back, and 'inside' of my knee. Get to have 'another' scan, maybe MRI, CAT or Pet scan, they will also do my brain and see if I really have

Maggie Cummings

Anyway, good morning all, we have rain, but that means I don't have to weed eat today, I am a lazy happy person.....

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Anyway, good morning all, we have rain, but that means I don't have to weed eat today, I am a lazy happy person.....

The last couple days here have been in the 80's. I didn't even run the cooler yesterday. The down side of that is the nights are too cold to leave the babies outside.

Enjoy your indoor time, Maggie. Not having to operate the weedeater means you now have plenty of time to dust and vacuum. :p

Maggie Cummings

The last couple days here have been in the 80's. I didn't even run the cooler yesterday. The down side of that is the nights are too cold to leave the babies outside.

Enjoy your indoor time, Maggie. Not having to operate the weedeater means you now have plenty of time to dust and vacuum. :p

eeewwwwww that's an ugly comment, you should be moderated for it, dust or vacuum? yuck! lol
Unfortunately I need to do a complete water change in the fry tank and a half a water change in the 250 gallon tank. Plecos poop as much as a Sulcata it seems. And it's just hard work. The fry are nosy, so they keep getting sucked in the hose, and that can't be a 'good' experience.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Thanks for asking Jacqui. I have a bloody injury on both knees (no big deal) they are just raw and hurt. But I hurt my back, and 'inside' of my knee. Get to have 'another' scan, maybe MRI, CAT or Pet scan, they will also do my brain and see if I really have
:rolleyes: silly lady you have a brain and a huge heart

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