Prolapsed rectum? Due to roundworms?


New Member
Mar 29, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Middleburg FL
I’ve found some roundworms in my sulcata’s soaking water. So, after lots of research, I gave him pumpkin - with seeds and some worm guard powder. I’ve changed to newspaper for his bedding, to keep it clean until I don’t see worms anymore. Unfortunately, a day after I discovered this, I had to go out of town for a week, due to a death in the family. My teen was feeding him and changing the paper, but he doesn’t know my tort’s actions like I do. Since I’ve been back, I’ve noticed this pink thing hanging out, and he seems to be struggling to poop. From what I can tell, he hasn’t been soaking (usually I can tell bc his substrate was dirt, but bc he’s had paper…can’t tell as easily. However, he still has an appetite for his daily veggies and he’s going out to eat grass normally. Not sure if any less grazing, bc I don’t have an eye on him all day to know the difference, but I see him out just as I usually would, when periodically checking on him. When this pink thing comes out, his tail moves a lot, and it seems to go back in. I’ve seen a lot of male tort photos, and male parts seem to be more deep purple, and a different shape… but maybe I’m wrong? But, with the worm issue, him seeming to struggle with pooping, my odds are betting at it being rectal issues and not him (or her?) exposing himself - finally - as being male. Anyone have a validation on what it is and what caused it? Anything else I can do at home? Should I worry, keep doing what I am, vet? TIA!


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Usually we see a prolapse as the result of constipation or a blockage.
Pinworms and Roundworm infestation are usually seen with diarrhea.

I'm sure someone with more experience in this matter will be along soon


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If he can't get it to go back in, it needs to be kept moist with a paste made from sugar.
Give him a long warm soak in a tub and keep him moving, this should help him pass. Be sure the penis can go back in or make the sugar paste to keep on it after the soak. The sugar paste will help the swelling if there is any and it should go back in.


New Member
Mar 29, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Middleburg FL
If he can't get it to go back in, it needs to be kept moist with a paste made from sugar.
Give him a long warm soak in a tub and keep him moving, this should help him pass. Be sure the penis can go back in or make the sugar paste to keep on it after the soak. The sugar paste will help the swelling if there is any and it should go back in.
Ok, I will do that. Just sugar and water as a paste? How often? So if it goes back in, it shouldn’t be a worry? Would it be due to the worms, a separate issue? Thanks for the help!


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Ok, I will do that. Just sugar and water as a paste? How often? So if it goes back in, it shouldn’t be a worry? Would it be due to the worms, a separate issue? Thanks for the help!
If it goes back in, it's not a worry, it's just male being a male. If it doesn't go back in them yes, the sugar paste. How often, depends. It has to be kept moist. If it dries out, it will need to be amputate.
Not likely that worms would cause a prolapse. Usually from being dehydrated and/or too cramped of enclosure where they can't keep things inside moving properly, so they get backed up and have a hard time pooping same with dehydration.