Redfoot disaster rescue...please help her


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Glad things are looking up for you! The names are special in what way?


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Her name is "Sylvia" [PURPLE HEART]

After a lot of research last night, I strongly feel she is a female. I realize at her size, that's is a best guestimate, and likely will be a male. But I guess we gotta stick to our gut, and pick something and go with it...just like my baby Sulcata's. Neighbor and I went with male for them.

I had two names reserved.

Male = Salvador, who is a kitten at work we have hospitalized with a broken leg. He's a trouper, and we've all grown attached. Just a special kitten (4 months) with a big heart and just one of those you really enjoy having in the hospital. I see so many, but once in awhile one sticks out. Plus the name Salvador works for a South American sp of tortoise. [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

Female = Sylvia. There is a special woman who has been a huge support to me and my kidlets. No other female name seemed appropriate, given this tough situation. [PURPLE HEART]


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Great choices


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What a wonderful name:p I love it!!! I won't be as presumptive as to think you named her (if it's a female) after me, but if you did, no one had ever honored me in that way, and I truly thank you!!! Love Salvador too. It means "savior" or one who saves. Nice:)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
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Quick, somebody grab a rope and tie Sibi down before she floats away on those clouds she is over! :D Sweet!!


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Princess Sylvia is up and about this morning, first time (since I've seen, I've been at work).


She and Starvin Marvin get their own food dish in separate areas so she can eat in peace. He's shown no signs of bullying her, but he will inhale all his food and run over to hers. They eat together nicely, she seems oblivious to him, but he's bigger and more of a piglet than she.

I'm keeping a close eye on them when I see them up to make sure he's not bothering her. I have plan B ready to implement if he intimidate her.

He seems to prefer to eat all the food, then go soak in the "spa"...I mean, who wouldn't! [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

"Oh Marvin, is Sylvia not sharing?"

Funny, this log hide was rarely used until I positioned it like this, now Marvin loves to sit inside and watch me in the morning...after breakfast and spa, of course.
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So good to see her up and about [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]


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I had a big huge lightbulb come on over my head, wanted everyone's thoughts...

I'm doing baby food soaks 2-3x day, I've seen her take plenty of gulps.
So to reduce her stress, I decided to bring the vegetable medley spa to her. I placed a fake plant in front for her privacy. [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

Plan is to continue soaks and handle her as little as possible for the next few weeks. She's not going to get better if I keep stressing her out.

I'm also feeding her a nasty Mazuri/cat food/calcium/greens mush that she lies and Starvin Marvin thinks he died and had gone to Redfoot Heavan. LOL

Again, any and all thoughts, advice, tips, constructive criticism is more than welcome. I'm glad she is her, I'm glad I bought her even though I expected a healthy new friend for my Redfoot mansion. She needed me, and I needed her to learn more about tortoise critical care. I can read all the books, all the peer reviewed article and case studies, but it's not the same as treating one yourself, so this is good experience that will help me grow as a CVT. [PURPLE HEART]
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Sounds good. How much protein is in the cat food? I use dog food, 18% protein mine seem to like it better. Do you use dry or wet?


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23%. Sample from work. I soaked it and the Mazuri to increase moisture content.
She and Starvin Marvin ate it all.

They've both eaten the dry dog kibble as well. Nice thing about these redfoots, they are hoovers!

I'm going to name my next two Hoover and Kirby!!!


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Sulcata_Sandy said:
God provides! My friend gave me a huge bag of cans to return. I made $6! I just bought several varieties of baby food and an armload of greens!

I know you all mean well.

Too far to walk, no buses in my rural town, I don't own a bike, besides its Oregon and that's just miserable! LOL

I don't have rental car coverage on my policy. Since I've never made a claim, I pair down car insurance to the bare minimum for major accidents. Just going to have to call in a few favors and ask for rides while it's in the shop. Luckily the shop is next door to the hospital! [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

I got lucky with all of the food issues for mine. I have a store that has spring mix $3.99 a pound and I work next to a hay field and the apartment I live in has an electric wire run behind it that is not fertilized and has TONS of weeds and dandelions in it! All I really spend is about $15 a week on worms for the boxies and greens for the Sullys and Leos. Keep up the good work. When someone is doing good work, good things come their way.

Sulcata_Sandy said:
Baby food soak. She's not impressed. [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

And you guys are the best. Not hard feelings, I know everyone means only the best, I just got overwhelmed all within a few hours, and not having anyone here to help me (even just to vent or carry a load of groceries), I sometimes let it get the better of me.

So, Cliff Notes: Turns out Progressive offers $30/rental to all insured's! I have a rental car!
I've got a few orders for custom drawings, so that brings in a few bucks, and it have a routine and treatment plan now for my new critical care patient.

I took a deep breath, collected myself, and I feel a million times better tonight. I'm sorry, I get really emotional with these animals. Hey, I'm a vet's just in my programming to take action. [GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]

Wait? You do art work? Post a few. I'm sure there are a few people who might just need a custom piece. Got any tortoise stuff?


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I have been raiding all the local weeds. LOL
So far the food bill has been very modest. Spring mix is super cheap, and the local CSA has been donating the scraps to me, very helpful! The DVM who referred Oliver to me sent him with a bunch of hay.


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I wanted to update everyone on Miss Syliva. She is doing better than expected. She's been here almost 2 weeks, is gaining weight, much more active, and eats and eats. She's still separated from Marvin for now.

Sylvia seems less skittish, and is learning the household routine. I'm so pleased and I wanted to pass along the good news. I know she's not out of the woods, and it may be months to years, but I see improvement daily.

Thank you ALL for your support and love. It means a lot to me and my tortoises.

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