Rescuing a 5 year old Red Footed Tortoise - so overwhelmed!


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Sep 26, 2024
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Hi! I'm Lisa (aka NeverNot), I live in Ontario Canada, and I am coming into possession of a 5 year old Red Footed Tortoise in a few days. I run a kitten rescue, but have zero reptile experience (no, there will be no mixing of cats and tortoises).

Right now the enclosure he is in is 3 by 2 feet, max. He can barely turn around in it. I know enough to know it isn't right. The owner is a friend going through life struggles, so I offered to take the animal to give it the care it deserves while they get their ducks in a row, so to speak.

I'm going to be spending all of my free time reading this forum. I must admit I have no idea where to start, although I'm sure there are threads to find that will help! I have space indoors and want to do it right.

Thanks :)


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He will need a room size enclosure. None that are premade will be big enough unless it's a pop up greenhouse that can be placed indoors.
He will need it humid, 80%. Doesn't need a basking spot but does need heat and the enclosure needs to be 85. Also needs a tube flourescent uvb. Ceramic heat emitters are usually used for heat. Safe plants for hiding and coconut coir or orchid bark for substrate.


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Sep 26, 2024
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He will need a room size enclosure. None that are premade will be big enough unless it's a pop up greenhouse that can be placed indoors.
He will need it humid, 80%. Doesn't need a basking spot but does need heat and the enclosure needs to be 85. Also needs a tube flourescent uvb. Ceramic heat emitters are usually used for heat. Safe plants for hiding and coconut coir or orchid bark for substrate.
Thanks for replying! I have lots of room and can make him a room sized enclose. If that's what he needs, then that's what he gets.

I was looking at pop up greenhouses actually. The space I have is temperature controlled but not humidity controlled. Thank you for the recommendations - it really does help when I'm starting from scratch!

Alex and the Redfoot

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Welcome to the forum.


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Dec 28, 2023
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Welcome to the form! What an exciting new journey!🐢💚

Hopefully this thread I made is of help to you, Alex linked my young red foot one, but as yours is already 5, this one will probably be a better read, though they are very similar. I cover correct equipment, levels, sizing, appropriately maintaining humidity, lots of visuals and there’s a good diet link to check out!🙂

This one is also good to go over, it’ll help you avoid the wrong bulbs, substrates, housing situations and such, feel free to double check your purchases here before buying!

Hope this helps! Any further questions, ask away!😊


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Sep 26, 2024
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Welcome to the form! What an exciting new journey!🐢💚

Hopefully this thread I made is of help to you, Alex linked my young red foot one, but as yours is already 5, this one will probably be a better read, though they are very similar. I cover correct equipment, levels, sizing, appropriately maintaining humidity, lots of visuals and there’s a good diet link to check out!🙂

This one is also good to go over, it’ll help you avoid the wrong bulbs, substrates, housing situations and such, feel free to double check your purchases here before buying!

Hope this helps! Any further questions, ask away!😊
I can't thank everyone enough for how welcome and supported you've made me feel!

As I'm completely new at all of this, I'd like to decide on the enclosure first, then start adding the equipment I'll need. I feel most comfortable with pre made systems as the thought of trying to DIY things that I don't yet understand makes my head spin. I'll be taking the tortoise next week, so I'm looking to get set up ASAP.

I have a fairly large budget, thankfully. I was looking at this grow tent system, and I'm wondering what you think (if I should move this to another sub forum please let me know!)

I like that there are loads of pieces of equipment and sensors that are made to be used with it.

What are your thoughts on the tent itself?

Thanks again everyone!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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I can't thank everyone enough for how welcome and supported you've made me feel!

As I'm completely new at all of this, I'd like to decide on the enclosure first, then start adding the equipment I'll need. I feel most comfortable with pre made systems as the thought of trying to DIY things that I don't yet understand makes my head spin. I'll be taking the tortoise next week, so I'm looking to get set up ASAP.

I have a fairly large budget, thankfully. I was looking at this grow tent system, and I'm wondering what you think (if I should move this to another sub forum please let me know!)

I like that there are loads of pieces of equipment and sensors that are made to be used with it.

What are your thoughts on the tent itself?

Thanks again everyone!
You are more than welcome! We all love talking torts here and it’s wonderful of you to be taking this red foot in❤️

Yeah that’s fair enough! DIY isn’t my thing either lol!

This tent does look good! I think the only potential problem I see is how tall it is, heat and humidity rises, obviously you want all your heat and humidity at tortoise level, so generally a 2ft ish height is more ideal for a set up with large domes to project the heat down, that said, I’ve seen many folks make this kind of grow tent work, I imagine some sort of fan system(which this looks to have?)helps in circulating the heat and humidity downwards, I will say I’ve never been too keen on the idea of a fan inside a set up, but had experienced members tell me they can work fine provided it’s inside a good closed chamber.

Let’s wait and see what others think of it before you go for it🙂

Alex and the Redfoot

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 21, 2023
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I can't thank everyone enough for how welcome and supported you've made me feel!

As I'm completely new at all of this, I'd like to decide on the enclosure first, then start adding the equipment I'll need. I feel most comfortable with pre made systems as the thought of trying to DIY things that I don't yet understand makes my head spin. I'll be taking the tortoise next week, so I'm looking to get set up ASAP.

I have a fairly large budget, thankfully. I was looking at this grow tent system, and I'm wondering what you think (if I should move this to another sub forum please let me know!)

I like that there are loads of pieces of equipment and sensors that are made to be used with it.

What are your thoughts on the tent itself?

Thanks again everyone!
This tent is nice (size-wise). Some keepers turn them on the back wall to maximize walking area but I would not do that for easier maintenance. If you have space and budget for a 120x120 it would be preferred - I suspect with climate in Canada tortoise would be living inside most of the time.

You will need to set up some area in the center of the tent so you can walk in and do some maintenance the enclosure. Also, you can put an oil-filled radiator for ambient heating.

I'm less concerned about height - it allows to put a lot of substrate there, plant dense and tall vegetation and has enough room for any kind of sophisticated lightning equipment.