run little gopher rruunnnnn

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10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
So I live in the high desert here in we have BIG gophers...and the little buggers dive me AND my plants and trees and tortoise yards crazy...they pop up of course in all the least desirable, to all the aforementioned, places...they have literally pulled entire plants right into the ground right before my eyes....they burrow...make pop up spots and leave their darn mounds which cover and kill surrounding plants and ground the last couple of weeks they have amped up their damage...trying to gather up as much food as possible...well along with their increased activity I have noticed two BIG beautiful red tail hawks and a gorgeous falcon take up residence on my property...sooo I am hoping the two go along with one another just a moment ago I watched the falcon do a di e right in the direction of one of the darn I hope my gopher issue will now be brought a bit under little gophers run......:D

Yvonne G

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I had a ground squirrel pop up in my horse pasture. Running horses may break a leg if they step in a hole. So I poured some rodent poison down the hole and put a cinder block over the hole. The next day I saw one of my cats sitting at the site and when I went over to look, he had pushed away the brick and was eating the poison! ARGH! It was a holiday and I didn't know where to get vitamin K outside of a vet, so I just had to wait and see. Luckily, I guess he didn't eat that much, because he never got sick.

Maggie Cummings

Angela, Tom suggested a gopher trap to me that was very easy to set and it caught and killed the gopher in less than 24 hours. Did the same thing for my neighbor, so I suggest you PM Tom and ask him the name of the darned thing because I sure can't remember it...But it sure works and fast. The big problem for me was trying to unlock the trap containing a gopher with a broken back stuck in it. Relatively gross...


Well-Known Member
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Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
"Tom suggested a gopher trap to me that was very easy to set and it caught and killed the gopher in less than 24 hours. Did the same thing for my neighbor,"

oh maggie, you did not do in the neighbor too????? LOL sorry, just read it totally different than the way you meant it....just having a bit o fun with ya.... :D

maggie, my problem is that I have a real problem with taking something live and making it dead.....animals and such I mean...I was raised by a mom that enforced that everything living has a mother and family somewhere....LOL silly as that sounds, I can not do the deed I gladly welcome nature to come in from time to time and do her thing (especially in this case) sometimes I wish I could just do it, but alas I am a wuss and can not....*shaking head looking down*

Maggie Cummings

So the way I'm reading this's alright for me to waste my neighbor but not that cute fuzzy gopher???


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Jul 31, 2011
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I love the title of this thread! Haha... Ange are you like Bill Murray in Caddy Shack??? :D:D


The Dog Trainer
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Cue the music... "I'm all right... don't nobody worry 'bout me..."

For anyone who doesn't mind vanquishing the little tortoise-food-eating-pests, that trap is called "The black box". Highly effective and generates much needed monitor lizard food. I'm not just saving my landscaping and tortoise food and preventing broken hoofstock legs, I'm also harvesting the "fruit" of the land to feed my other animals.:D

Preserving wildlife is admirable and a fine goal... OUTSIDE my walls. Inside the walls is MINE!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
"So the way I'm reading this's alright for me to waste my neighbor but not that cute fuzzy gopher???" that is not what I was intending...however, I would laugh hysterically if you were to post a thread reporting.....

"run neighbor rrrrruuuuunnnnnn"
story goes;
Neighbor popped up out of a hole right in my yard under my tree, little bugger was eating the roots of the tree and plants!!!!! There were hawks and falcons pecking at his head as he was too big for them to fly away with......LOL

maggie, all I am saying is that when it comes to making living critter become dead critters, I am a wuss :p and just can not do it is all.....
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