Suggestions on breeders


New Member
Dec 25, 2019
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Knoxville, TN
I’m looking for suggestions on breeders to get a baby leopard. I recently lost mine due to hatchling failure syndrome. When I received mine I thought he was fine and healthy but after reading on here I noticed after week 1 his shell was very soft. He grew a little but then completely shut down. Eyes shut all the time, barley moving, and stopped eating completely. My enclosure was closed, humidity 80%, temps good, and lighting as well. After reading the breeders website I noticed they keep them open top dry environment which after buying and reading here I realized was wrong. I really want to give this another chance and have the proper set up. If any one has any suggestions on breeders please let me know!

Sa Ga

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Nov 19, 2019
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So sorry for your loss! ? I'm glad you're willing to try again.


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So sorry for your loss. Any active breeder on this forum will/should have healthy hatchlings.
Those are the only ones I can think of at the moment


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 19, 2019
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I am so sorry for your prior loss. I hope you have a wonderful experience with your new leopard and it is very wise to get your new baby from a breeder recommended by folks on this forum. I took on a leopard that was failing to thrive after successfully bringing up hundreds of desert tortoise hatchlings and I have to say I have found the leopard much more challenging. When I received the leopard it had not gained weight past 45 g for several months. I got the leopard in late August and by following every instruction that I have read on this forum regarding housing, humidity, food and doing daily to twice daily half hour soaks I have finally gotten my leopard to pass 100 g. It was a MAJOR celebration!
It has been slow and painstaking and I’m a little concerned about some pyramiding despite a closed environment so I am looking into getting a system from Mark as soon as I can afford one but it has also been very exciting to see the little tortoise thrive. I will name the tortoise as soon as I know whether male or female but in the meantime I just referred to it as the little guy and my nephew calls it Koopa. Please post a pic when you bring home your new tort and best of luck to you.


Oct 29, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
I am so sorry for your prior loss. I hope you have a wonderful experience with your new leopard and it is very wise to get your new baby from a breeder recommended by folks on this forum. I took on a leopard that was failing to thrive after successfully bringing up hundreds of desert tortoise hatchlings and I have to say I have found the leopard much more challenging. When I received the leopard it had not gained weight past 45 g for several months. I got the leopard in late August and by following every instruction that I have read on this forum regarding housing, humidity, food and doing daily to twice daily half hour soaks I have finally gotten my leopard to pass 100 g. It was a MAJOR celebration!
It has been slow and painstaking and I’m a little concerned about some pyramiding despite a closed environment so I am looking into getting a system from Mark as soon as I can afford one but it has also been very exciting to see the little tortoise thrive. I will name the tortoise as soon as I know whether male or female but in the meantime I just referred to it as the little guy and my nephew calls it Koopa. Please post a pic when you bring home your new tort and best of luck to you.

I am currently working through the same painstaking process you've described above, but it seems like with less success.

It's been some of the most challenging months watching this little baby tort struggle... we got ours in October, they're just now hitting 60g which I'm thinking is a very very good milestone, because they've not been much above 50g the whole time... so, we're being patient and encouraging them to eat, soaking them... really hoping they just keep gaining..

One tip I found on here, that you may want to look into if you haven't is Nutribac Dietary Supplement for Reptiles & Amphibians -- it's a probiotic meant to increase their appetite. IT WORKS. I cannot believe how much it has helped.