New Member
I was just feeding my tortoise his food when i found that there was something on the side of his shell. I initially thought it was a tomato seed because there was a clear dry film around it with a small tan thing inside. I tried getting it off of him with a napkin but the only thing that i was able to move was the "seed". It looked a little too long to be a tomato seed so i started panicking. Both the clear film and the worm are still on him. The worm hasn't moved at all on its own. Im not sure if it came from his poop but it doesnt look like the typical worms that were described when i looked up what it could be. There only seems to be 1 worm, though. I am still panicking because this has never happened before and I can't find an answer for it. My tortoise is 3 years old, turning 4 this year, and i've never seen this. I need help!
I was just feeding my tortoise his food when i found that there was something on the side of his shell. I initially thought it was a tomato seed because there was a clear dry film around it with a small tan thing inside. I tried getting it off of him with a napkin but the only thing that i was able to move was the "seed". It looked a little too long to be a tomato seed so i started panicking. Both the clear film and the worm are still on him. The worm hasn't moved at all on its own. Im not sure if it came from his poop but it doesnt look like the typical worms that were described when i looked up what it could be. There only seems to be 1 worm, though. I am still panicking because this has never happened before and I can't find an answer for it. My tortoise is 3 years old, turning 4 this year, and i've never seen this. I need help!