This topic has really interested me so I did a little research and this is what I found[looked in so many places, I can't document but all was found on web]. The carapace of a tortoise is directly related to the bones of the human anatomy, it is just that they are fused together[this is then where MBD becomes an issue when calcium cannot be utilized-2 stages: 1. bone only--2. bone and internal organ failure]. The scutes are related to skin and fingernails [which are always growing and get sloughed off in the course of time] B-Keratin[in reptiles] is a protein which provides the skin is waterproofing[ and because tortoises skin is so 'thick', also aids in water LOSS and the prevention of Desiccation[the state of extreme dryness or the process of extreme drying] In humans the substance is Surfactant which allows some membranes to be permeable or semi-permiable.
A DESICCANT is a "hygroscopic" substance--HYGROSCOPY is the ability of a substance to ATTRACT water molecules from the surrounding enviornment, through absorption or adsorption--- Thus the need for HUMIDITY for a smooth carapce. Don't forget Genetics and improper egg incubation will contribute to pryamiding,also.