New Member
We have had our Russian for 1 year (rescue found wandering streets - not surprised read on!).. He is 5 years old.. hates enclosures... loves the garden and the free reign of the house. Last winter we couldnt hibernate as just had him... so we let him roam the house for half the day and back in his table for evenings/basking, etc. He has a great enclosre outside with access to garden and even in the nice days we have had.. he still comes back into the house (doors left open) and charges around very confidently. His 'bedroom' is still in the house as too cold at night to move into his outside enclosure he only basks in this under the lamp for a couple of hours in the morning then wants out.. he will then find his spot behind a chair and scratch until comfortable then sleeps.. He seems healthy and happy and very knowing and confident with us - doesnt eat huge amount but not losing weight. We have never had a torty before so just curious as to this behaviour ie all ok to let him do what he wants ? Is he getting enough lamp time if not under it (his choice !) and yes he loves to dig in the garden and his outside enclosure and seems to be doing that in his favourite corner behind the chair in the house... any advice would be appreciated.