Tortoise still growing VERY slow

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5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
Hello everyone,
I'm here with Woody, leopard tortoise. He is still growing so slow it is alarming. He is about 16 months old and only 2.5 inches! He has an appetite (zoo med grassland food) and water bowl changed daily. He is living in an aquarium, but has hours out for exercise (running around the house). His heat is 84 F night and 90F day. I tried to lower the heat but he was less active so I raised it back. He lives on Timothy hay (instead of mulch) I figured he could eat some of it too. He has grown since I got him about a year ago, but only a few centimeters. I didn't get him from a good owner, and he came with a dent in his shell. But I thought I could treat him good and he would grow. The problem is... He's not hardly growing!! Any suggestions?



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One of my redfoots is a slow grower. The tortoise just seems to stack on fat and not grow, s/he gets calcium, Miner-All, Mazuri, Zoo Med Forest Tort Diet, and lots of outdoor time. It's probably genetics as I doubt I'm missing major nurtrients in its diet.


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I think you should change the diet and vary it with more leafy greens/spring mix.


5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
Thank you for responding! I'm hoping he's just having a late growth spurt, but I'm worried about him. I have a little pot of grass that I grow for him (so there's no pesticides/chemicals) but I don't give him anything else. I have heard some people say they feed the organic salad mix from the store. Should I do this, and what kind if so? I was worried about the protein so avoided anything except grass. Another important question. I don't have a humidity setting. I was living in Houston so I thought it was humid enough :/. But now I live in Kentucky. Is this important?

I attached pictures. The one in my hand has his side with the dent in his shell :(


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The Dog Trainer
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Hydration, diet and time. Soak daily. Use a humid hide box and a damp substrate. Feed Mazuri every other or every third day. If your tortoise can make it over this "hump", it will likely start growing normally. My Daisy was this way. Hardly grew at all for two years. Now she's growing like a bad weed. She went from 180 grams to 20+pounds in abut two years. Still growing at this pace.


5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
So, as for a damp substrate, am I supposed to use wet mulch? Wouldn't that mold/rot/stink? I'm glad to hear yours finally started growing! I'll invest in Mazuri, greens, and mulch (when I figure the best way to use it). Do y'all have a humidifier or just use damp mulch?

Yvonne G

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It all depends upon what type of substrate you use. Coco coir, orchid bark and cypress mulch don't turn moldy or sour when you keep it moist.


5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
emysemys said:
It all depends upon what type of substrate you use. Coco coir, orchid bark and cypress mulch don't turn moldy or sour when you keep it moist.

What is your technique for keeping the right amount of humidity? Do you spray every morning, how often do you change it? Do you use it in the entire enclosure or just for the hiding spot?


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Can you give some more details of your diet? That's where I would start. Try infusing a bit of protein to see if you can trigger some growth. Mazuri is a good option, as well food. :) Not to suggest making dog food a part of its regular diet, but just a thought to get some more protein in there. Other members have tried fish, cat food, and even chicken. I've used low fat dog food recently to stimulate a slow grower and so far the results are good.

Has he not grown since you posted this last year?


5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
Neal said:
Can you give some more details of your diet? That's where I would start. Try infusing a bit of protein to see if you can trigger some growth. Mazuri is a good option, as well food. :) Not to suggest making dog food a part of its regular diet, but just a thought to get some more protein in there. Other members have tried fish, cat food, and even chicken. I've used low fat dog food recently to stimulate a slow grower and so far the results are good.

Has he not grown since you posted this last year?

His diet is mostly ZooMed grassland tortoise food. I give him mixed grass that I planted in a pot whenever it is tall enough to cut. And I sprinkle come calcium on it. That's all, I guess he does need more variety...


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JenniferAnn said:
His diet is mostly ZooMed grassland tortoise food. I give him mixed grass that I planted in a pot whenever it is tall enough to cut. And I sprinkle come calcium on it. That's all, I guess he does need more variety...

That's where I would start if I were you. I'm by no means a dietary expert, but I'm not sure if the protein content in Zoomed's Grassland Tortoise Diet is sufficient for the tortoises needs. Maybe someone more knowledgeable could answer that one.


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:cool: My 2 cents worth i totaly agree with Tom on Hydration, diet and time. Soak daily. Use a humid hide box and a damp substrate. I also agree with Neal on trying high quality low protine dry dog food soaked till mushy. But dont use it as a daily meal, to get started use it 2 times a week small amount then back down to only few times a month. The problem is its not getting enough variety in the diet and lack of protines and other sources of building blocks for growth and health. Cat food has way to much ash content in it so dont use that. The other thing you should try is liquid calcium and vitamins not only in the soak bath 2 times a week but put few drops into its water dish 1 time a week, also try adding B12 liquid sup once a week to its water dish you can get that cheap its called "Nature Zone Appetite Plus" all this will help but dont over due the vitamin sups as you dont want to over tax the tiny torts little system. Need to offer LOTS more leafy greens diffrent types and you can also use zuccinii, yellow squash, cucumber, cactus pad, mango or papya, sweet patatoe all these you can grade up and its easier for them to take when that tiny. Offer that 2 times a week as that will also help kick start the feeding response to diffrent foods. I would also start this little one on a good essentail probiotic given 2 times a week as well.

Just my 2 cents worth..;):tort:


The Dog Trainer
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Grass, hay and the Zoomed food is great for bulk and fiber, but it has very little nutrition in it and what nutrition is there is very hard to get out of grass. Definitely broaden the dietary horizons and see what happens.

Also, the regular leopards aren't much into grass. They eat more broadleaf weeds and things like that. One of their main food sources in the wild is mammal feces, or so I'm told... However, I'm not going to tell you to go get a herd of gazelle to feed your tortoise though... :) Mazuri will suffice.


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Get some mazuri, and get him started on that. Wet it and mix 1/2 and 1/2 with chopped greens. Feed everyday. He needs to grow now.


5 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
Thanks everyone! I have ordered the Mazuri so it should be here tomorrow or at least by Wednesday. I bought some greens. He really likes it! I'm about to order the new substrate. I saw in a previous thread that Carolina Pet Supply has good mix of seeds to plant to add to his varied diet. Im also looking into the B12. I just started a new job so I'm going to give Woody a "makeover". I plan on adjusting his house too.

I keep my house around 76 F at night. Since winter is approaching should I buy a night time heating lamp?


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Oct 16, 2010
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JenniferAnn said:
Thanks everyone! I have ordered the Mazuri so it should be here tomorrow or at least by Wednesday. I bought some greens. He really likes it! I'm about to order the new substrate. I saw in a previous thread that Carolina Pet Supply has good mix of seeds to plant to add to his varied diet. Im also looking into the B12. I just started a new job so I'm going to give Woody a "makeover". I plan on adjusting his house too.

I keep my house around 76 F at night. Since winter is approaching should I buy a night time heating lamp?

You could get a small che like 80w, they work well. Try not to let him get cooler than 80 degrees.
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