Upset russion

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Jason M

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Nov 3, 2011
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I there all again,

I have separated my two Russian tortoises up as suggested, the male is doing fine, but the female is not doing so well.
She will not come out of her hidey hole, I put food in for her in the morning before I go to work and when I get home she has not come out. I get her out and but her under the heat lamp and she has a good warm up and then she will go and eat, I then give her her bath, then let her wanted about the house, she seems ok, then I put her back in her cage and she will wonder under the heat lamp again. Then she will eat a load more and take her self off to bed......and not come out again until I get her out the next evening.
The set up I have is the same both sides and I check temps and all that.
I think that she is pining for her brother who as far as I gather have never been separated. But like I have said in other post I did notice a very few nips and head wobbles he would give her, so needed to be separated for there own good.
Sorry for the pun but has anyone got any ideas on how to get her out of her shell. She was very active when they where together and did everything together including sleeping eating and wonders round the house. I feel upset to see her like this and it is killing me to keep them apart.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Russians are often very territorial. I seriously doubt she is sad because her brother is not there. I am not trying to be mean just trying to explain russian behavior.
How long have they been separated?

Jason M

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Hi there, I want you to be mean if that means I get a better understanding of what they think and behave, I have wanted tortoises for 32 years now and have read and collected more tortoise stuff then my wife cares to mention. Nothing really tells you what they are really like.
They have been separated for about a week now. She is fine when I get her out but will not come out on her own. She will stay in there all day and all night if she had her way


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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A week separation, I would imagine she is adjusting to her new surroundings, they often require time to re adjust to a new home, I imagine her new home is smaller than before, she is now by herself so I would not worry. She is eating she is just not moving around much, hiding often.

Jason M

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I did think that, think I need the reassurance more then anything lol. The cage was built about two weeks ago and they both had a free run in the whole setup for a week because I was told that new home and separation would be hard for them. All I have done is blocked the walk way between the two sides. So it is a cage that she knowns.


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try placing a fake tortoise near her food dish.. maybe she will get curious and come out and eat so the 'other one' doesnt eat it all.
Also, I would limit her wandering around the house. its cold on the floor and they can eat the wrong thing.. it can also cause stress.


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Even though you have to get her up, it sounds as if she is basking some, hydrated and eating. It can take several weeks for them to adjust to any change. It is also winter.
You were probably right to separate them, at least in an inside tort table. Eventually his actions may have caused her to hide anyway.
I think she sounds as if she is doing fine. Each tort is remarkably different.
If you can create an outside secure enclosure in the warmer months, which are are often larger with logs, plants and stones (referred to as 'sight blocks', or places to hang out where the other tort can't see), they may be able to stay together. Still withone male to one female; often better to keep separate even outside. You would be able to monitor this.
Keep up your efforts!

Jason M

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Thanks for all your advice, today when I come down stairs she was up and wondering about so I think she is getting braver.


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You have to remember that every time she came out before, she was bothered by the male. She can probably still smell him and knows he's about. She just needs to realise that life will be a bit more peaceful from now on. Give her time :)

Yvonne G

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Also, don't be so quick to put "human" feelings onto your tortoise. She doesn't miss that pesky nuisance male tortoise. I think its just like Joesmum says. She thinks when she comes out the dreaded HE is going to find her.

Jason M

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emysemys said:
Also, don't be so quick to put "human" feelings onto your tortoise. She doesn't miss that pesky nuisance male tortoise. I think its just like Joesmum says. She thinks when she comes out the dreaded HE is going to find her.

that is so true, i do forget that they are not human. I known it sad but i love them so much and talk to them all the time i do forget that they are not


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Oh, don't let anyone fool you, we all talk to our torts... You just have to be concerned if we say they talk back...;)

Glad she is doing better, she probably can't believe her good luck that the pest is gone...

Jason M

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Nov 3, 2011
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Now you come to mention tortoises talking
No really have not got to that stage yet.
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