URGENT! Rescue tortoise serious diet problem


New Member
Jul 22, 2024
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Hello! I hope all you people are well with your torts!

4 days back I received a rescue tortoise. He has shell with pyramiding so from what I have learnt he has been fed an inappropriate diet.

The problem is, HE IS NOT EATING ANY KIND OF GRASS OR WEED. This is supposed to be 90% of his diet.


I will ge really grateful for your input. He has gone 3 days hungry!

P. S. Tried to upload image but once I select the image (it shows the name of the image selected) and press upload it says no file. Any solution to this?


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First pyramiding is not from the diet but being raised to dry.
He looks to possibly have metabolic bone disease (MBD)
Get him well hydrated, warm soaks daily for about a week. Slowly add grass to the diet you are feeding and do not feed fruit.
Add calcium twice weekly to his diet and get him in the natural sun with shade provided.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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In addition to @wellington s advice, you can take a look at this article: introduhttps://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/tortoise-diet/introducing-a-new-diet/c

They worked for me when introduced a healthier diet to my Russian.

For technical difficulties you can make a post on this section: https://tortoiseforum.org/forums/site-help-and-feedback.9/

But it seems like you managed to post some photos eitherway.


The Dog Trainer
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Hello! I hope all you people are well with your torts!

4 days back I received a rescue tortoise. He has shell with pyramiding so from what I have learnt he has been fed an inappropriate diet.

The problem is, HE IS NOT EATING ANY KIND OF GRASS OR WEED. This is supposed to be 90% of his diet.


I will ge really grateful for your input. He has gone 3 days hungry!

P. S. Tried to upload image but once I select the image (it shows the name of the image selected) and press upload it says no file. Any solution to this?
Tortoises are creatures of habit. They eat what they are used to eating. It takes weeks or months to introduce new foods and you have to do it slowly, using only tiny amounts at first. You get him to eat grass by mixing tiny amounts of chopped, soft, freshly sprouted grass into a chopped up pile of the tortoises favorite current foods. There should be hardly any at first. It should be barely noticeable to the tortoise at first.

As Wellington said, pyramiding is caused by growth in conditions that are too dry. It is NOT caused by food or the wrong diet.

Here is the current and correct housing and care info:

More helpful info here, and questions are welcome:


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
You can get ANY tort to eat what it is you want them to with patience and consistency. In our Rescue we have encountered many torts fed all the wrong things and now have EVERY tort eating healthy. We have been told repeatedly "My Tortoise won't eat that" and within 2 weeks we reply "well they do now."


New Member
Jul 22, 2024
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You can get ANY tort to eat what it is you want them to with patience and consistency. In our Rescue we have encountered many torts fed all the wrong things and now have EVERY tort eating healthy. We have been told repeatedly "My Tortoise won't eat that" and within 2 weeks we reply "well they do now."
Thank you for responding. So, what's the secret?


New Member
Jul 22, 2024
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If you post how you are housing him, and what you are using for heat, lights, diet we can help further.
Thank you Sir for responding. He is in an outdoor enclosure 18x15 feet wide. I live in Pakistan so LOTS of sun can get really hot here. Clean drinking water in a bowl. There was like a natural puddle of water in the soil so he started soaking himself in it by himself. Is it OK for them to soak in that because it's water standing directly in the soil hence they are in cantact with the mud underneath and on the side or should they be soaked in a tub in clean water?

He is only eating SOME hibiscus for now. How much hibiscus can I feed him?

Just planted a mulberry tree the leaves have dropped waiting for the plant to take root so I will give him that to. Will also plant grape in a couple of days.

What else can I try feeding him except for grass which he doesn't eat at all to find out what he likes best so I can start mixing the grass in with it?

I will send a photo of the enclosure tomorrow.


New Member
Jul 22, 2024
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Tortoises are creatures of habit. They eat what they are used to eating. It takes weeks or months to introduce new foods and you have to do it slowly, using only tiny amounts at first. You get him to eat grass by mixing tiny amounts of chopped, soft, freshly sprouted grass into a chopped up pile of the tortoises favorite current foods. There should be hardly any at first. It should be barely noticeable to the tortoise at first.

As Wellington said, pyramiding is caused by growth in conditions that are too dry. It is NOT caused by food or the wrong diet.

Here is the current and correct housing and care info:

More helpful info here, and questions are welcome:
Thank you for responding Sir. What are the things I can try giving him to find out his favorite food?


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Thank you for responding. So, what's the secret?
So the real secret is environment, they HAVE to be warm consistently. If he is not eating regularly then you have something going for yourself .... hunger. It is so much easier to get them to eat healthier items when they are hungry. Do you have access to Mazuri?
Mazuri Original 5M21 Tortoise Food, 1.25-lb bag slide 1 of 10

This is a great all around nutritional food.
@wellington is 100% right, they will eat what they are used to. So what you have to do is get them to 'get used to' foods you want them to eat. Keep putting the foods you want in front of them, it may work better if they do not see you for a while and feel a little safer or not stressed. You give them this food everyday until they eat it, then continue for a few days with that food. Once you have got them to eat 1 new food you now can work on another.


New Member
Jul 22, 2024
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So the real secret is environment, they HAVE to be warm consistently. If he is not eating regularly then you have something going for yourself .... hunger. It is so much easier to get them to eat healthier items when they are hungry. Do you have access to Mazuri?
Mazuri Original 5M21 Tortoise Food, 1.25-lb bag slide 1 of 10

This is a great all around nutritional food.
@wellington is 100% right, they will eat what they are used to. So what you have to do is get them to 'get used to' foods you want them to eat. Keep putting the foods you want in front of them, it may work better if they do not see you for a while and feel a little safer or not stressed. You give them this food everyday until they eat it, then continue for a few days with that food. Once you have got them to eat 1 new food you now can work on another.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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What kind of pellets do you have? Are there any sold to tortoises? What about hay pellets for rabbits? These are also good fiber supplements.


New Member
Jul 22, 2024
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I live in a third world country in Pakistan only pellets available are for cats, dogs and fish feed. Nothing more


The Dog Trainer
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I live in a third world country in Pakistan only pellets available are for cats, dogs and fish feed. Nothing more
Do people have horses? How about chickens? You can use chicken lay crumbles or soaked horse hay pellets to mix in with grocery store lettuce if need be.

Also, be sure he is not getting to hot during the day or too cold at night.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Do people have horses? How about chickens? You can use chicken lay crumbles or soaked horse hay pellets to mix in with grocery store lettuce if need be.

Also, be sure he is not getting to hot during the day or too cold at night.
This is GREAT advice/info!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
I am tagging these folks for their knowledge in the hopes there is something that may help ...
@Kapidolo Farms
@Yvonne G
@Tom mentioned the 'Layer Crumble' which is a fantastic idea, what about enticing the tort with fruits? To get him eating something. Mix a Melon with grass or Grape leaves or Mulberry? Of course the fruit would have to be in small amounts due to it's not very good at all.

Kapidolo Farms

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Hello! I hope all you people are well with your torts!

4 days back I received a rescue tortoise. He has shell with pyramiding so from what I have learnt he has been fed an inappropriate diet.

The problem is, HE IS NOT EATING ANY KIND OF GRASS OR WEED. This is supposed to be 90% of his diet.


I will ge really grateful for your input. He has gone 3 days hungry!

P. S. Tried to upload image but once I select the image (it shows the name of the image selected) and press upload it says no file. Any solution to this?
I have not read the several pages of responses, so take that for what it is. Here is how I get reluctant feeders to eat 'what they are supposed to eat'.

Start with what they are already eating. Often, not always, difficult feeding is from the tortoises history, what and how (presentation) has it been fed in the past. Often, what I come across are romaine addicts and 'only eats' cucumbers and strawberries, or something like that. Well you can't just one day switch that all up, it needs to be a progression of change.

Start with whatever they have been fed. If it's large pieces like whole leaves of romaine then still offer romaine (cucumber/strawberry) and cut it up into ever smaller pieces. I'll stick with the romaine leaf as I illuminate the concept, apply as it works for you situation.

First 'new' meal, cut the romaine in wide stripe across the leaf, then next meal narrower, progress until you are making a coleslaw level of cut up. Don't use a blender, mush doesnt seem to be ab effective transition preparation.

Now start pulling back from wohever much they have always eaten to what they can eat in about one sitting. A sitting is how much they eat before they walk away. So when they come back the food is all gone.

Now you introduce the new thing, and such a small amount it is perceivable by odor or maybe color, not so much visually. Then do that several times with different alternate foods. Then combinations. Increase the total amount of food again.

Start adding more of the alternate foods to the point they are about 5% of the total, then 10% etc.

This works with dry and fresh foods. At some point they will just eat whatever you offer.

This imitates what happens in the wild to a great extent. No baby tortoise ever walk past dew covered natural fresh food for dead/dry stuff. But they will habitaute to keep eating from the same clump of grass, then as water goes away (not rainy season anymore) they will still eat from that clump as it goes yellow, dries and is dead. Remember hay is dead grass.

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