I’m worried about by baby sulcuta because he’s not growing. My pet store keeps telling me things that are contradicting to online. He’s at least a year and a half old, likely a little older, but he’s only 2.5 inches. My pet store keeps saying this is normal but what I’ve been reading online says otherwise. He’s currently in a 40 gallon tank indoors. Where I live the average humidity is like 10%, so that could be an issue. I just purchased some exoterra plantation soul which I’m hoping will help keep humidity up, he’s been on reptile carpet prior to this. I soak him every once in a while but I’m worried he’s still not getting the moisture he needs. He has lots of grass hay (Timothy and orchard grass) but I never see him eat it. He does eat Flukers small tortoise pellets and spring mix lettus though. He has a water dish that’s maybe 1/2 to 3/4 inches deep cause he’s so small and I don’t want him to drown, is this an ok size? He has a basking spot and foliage and a few other things to hide in when he wants too. Any advice greatly appreciated, I’m getting so much info that’s completely different from each other and I’m just wanting to do what’s best for my tortoise.