My rt Sheldon is white around his scutes and i think he is either overweight or outgrowing his shell i don't know what to do im a new tortoise owner HELP here's a picture of him sorry
LMAO....thank you for that statement....and please don't be offended by my smile on this end.....yes, a tort does somewhat "outgrow" his shell...when this happens his shell will grow and when this happens you will see new growth lines between the scutes....which is exactly what I see in your pic....absolutely normal.
When you take him outside for sun/or if he lives outside--simply offer some gentle spritz of water to his shell to juicy it up some....I bet he would appreciate it (even if he does not know it)...
Beautiful tort by the way...
The spritz should be offered when the weather is hot/warm...and if you are in cool weather at present...then indoor warm water soaks would be beneficial as well..
That's really hard to tell. However, his shell does not look dry. A once or twice a week warm soak is all that's needed for him, with a shallow water bowl available to him 24/7.