Young russian tortoise not eating much


5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2012
I have two one-year-old Russian torts. They are in an indoor habitat. One of them, Chompy, stopped eating for about three days and still isn't eating. He also just sleeps all day under the half-log. I tried giving them different types of food too. When I bring them outside in the backyard they walk around though. My other one, Goblin, comes out under the basking light and just sits there but he usually gets up to eat. I bathe them every few days and they usually get about 12 hours of light. Should I turn off the lights later? If not, what should I do?

Oh, by the way, after they play outside I give them these pellet-things that the place where I got them recommended. They eat those every time, but that is all Chompy has eaten the last few days. I have to place it in front of him.

I also asked this question on a related forum in the responses/comments.

Any advice? Thanks :)


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10 Year Member!
Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
The species of tort you have can be very tenacious in have a pair, so I would be concerned about silent bullying---it is something that will happen with the pair together in the same will have to be dominant and the other is left to submit --this can lead to one stronger healthier tort and one weaker dying tort....I would suggest to set up two individual like enclosures and let the two have their own space for a few months and see how the weaker/withdrawn tort does...this is what I would suspect.

Please be sure to set up correct and current temps for the torts in each individual enclosure to assure optimal environment...

I also would allow them outside time in their own area...this will allow the torts to normalize a bit...

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