Lady Hermann not her usual self


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - it's a long time since Zola and I have written to you, but we assumed Teztez would be asleep, and didn't want to disturb her dreams. Zola does say goodnight to her every night - and to you, of course as well. However, his dad came across this photo taken several years ago, and my immediate reaction was that Teztez should see it when she wakes up, as I know she admires Zola's legs ! So please will you accept this as your Christmas card ! I hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. We shall be at home, doing nothing special - we don't enjoy socialising and parties much at all, and one good thing about getting old is that you can avoid all that sort of stuff !
Love from Zola and myself - and I hope you appreciate the legs
Angie xxxBaloonatic2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Angie and the fabulous Zola!
Thank you so much for your kind message.
We often think of you all.
Teztez is sleeping peacefully in her insulated box in her personal fridge. I visit her every day and check that her nose and legs are responding to my gentle touch.
Thank you, Zola, for your faithful goodnight wishes. I am sure Teztez appreciates them, she seems very peaceful and is tucked up in one of her favourite soft cloths. Then has wool filled insulation folded areound her, in her plasticbox. She can move about if she wants to, but generally she stays in the same position.
I hope you all have a happy and relaxing Christmas and New year.
Thank you for the amazing picture of Zola, he is such a star.
His legs are truly gorgeous 😍
Sending him shell strokes and much leg appreciation!
Love from Ruth and the sleeping


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Angie and the fabulous Zola!
Thank you so much for your kind message.
We often think of you all.
Teztez is sleeping peacefully in her insulated box in her personal fridge. I visit her every day and check that her nose and legs are responding to my gentle touch.
Thank you, Zola, for your faithful goodnight wishes. I am sure Teztez appreciates them, she seems very peaceful and is tucked up in one of her favourite soft cloths. Then has wool filled insulation folded areound her, in her plasticbox. She can move about if she wants to, but generally she stays in the same position.
I hope you all have a happy and relaxing Christmas and New year.
Thank you for the amazing picture of Zola, he is such a star.
His legs are truly gorgeous 😍
Sending him shell strokes and much leg appreciation!
Love from Ruth and the sleeping
Dear Ruth - it may now be approaching the time for the lovely Lady Teztez to cast aside her winter sleeping cloth -Zola has, of course, been wishing her a good night every night - and he and I would both love to hear the latest news of her - and to know how you and your family are getting on.
Love and best wishes from Angie and Zola xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning dear Angie and the gorgeous Zola,

thank you both very much for your kind messages.
i hope you are both well, and are keeping warm during this cold wet spring.
The Lady Teztez is still very much asleep in her cloths and insulation.
it will soon be time to bring her out of her fridge and gently awaken the sleeping beauty.
it has been so cold that i have put it off rather.
thank you both for your kind goodnight wishes to the slumbering lady; i am sure she appreciates the thoughts.
it will be lovely to have her around again, we have been missing her quite a lot.
we will be moving house sometime soon, if the legal bits ever come to a conclusion!
Teztez will be horrified I'm afraid, as the new garden is big and rambling with hedges and ditches that she would get quite lost in, and if she wandered off i would never find her.
She is going to have to be incarcerated in a dilapidated greenhouse for the time being. Of course we will make sure that she is comfortable, with no dangerous debris or poisonous plants.
i will send you photos when i can.
i do hope you are both doing well. much love to you all, and fond regards to lovely Zola
we often think of you all.
from Ruth and the sleeping


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Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 11, 2020
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El Sobrante, CA.
Good morning dear Angie and the gorgeous Zola,

thank you both very much for your kind messages.
i hope you are both well, and are keeping warm during this cold wet spring.
The Lady Teztez is still very much asleep in her cloths and insulation.
it will soon be time to bring her out of her fridge and gently awaken the sleeping beauty.
it has been so cold that i have put it off rather.
thank you both for your kind goodnight wishes to the slumbering lady; i am sure she appreciates the thoughts.
it will be lovely to have her around again, we have been missing her quite a lot.
we will be moving house sometime soon, if the legal bits ever come to a conclusion!
Teztez will be horrified I'm afraid, as the new garden is big and rambling with hedges and ditches that she would get quite lost in, and if she wandered off i would never find her.
She is going to have to be incarcerated in a dilapidated greenhouse for the time being. Of course we will make sure that she is comfortable, with no dangerous debris or poisonous plants.
i will send you photos when i can.
i do hope you are both doing well. much love to you all, and fond regards to lovely Zola
we often think of you all.
from Ruth and the sleeping
You could always Velco a "Tracker" (Apple or Tile) to her backside, as I have done to Seymour, and Junior the Russian. It adds a lil piece of Mind. I just replaced all the batteries in my Tile trackers yesterday, and Seymour has been out in the sun on the patio several times in the last week, on the nicer days coming up, I'll let him start roaming the yard...


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - Zola's first reaction on hearing you are moving was "But will Teztez have an Aga in her new house ?" Are you still going to be in Chippenham ? Please tell us more !
Zola is fine - just a bit fed up with the weather - it has been pretty cold and wet, and he hasn't been able to have the long walks along the Bude breakwater that he really enjoyed last year - soon, I hope --
Deep respect to the Lady Teztez and love to you from Zola and me - Angie


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Nov 11, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
El Sobrante, CA.
Dear Ruth - Zola's first reaction on hearing you are moving was "But will Teztez have an Aga in her new house ?" Are you still going to be in Chippenham ? Please tell us more !
Zola is fine - just a bit fed up with the weather - it has been pretty cold and wet, and he hasn't been able to have the long walks along the Bude breakwater that he really enjoyed last year - soon, I hope --
Deep respect to the Lady Teztez and love to you from Zola and me - Angie
Good Morning, Ruth and Angie (Zola & Teztez) The weather here is supposed to warm up to the 70's/21's. later on this week. I DO love to hear your conversations of England, when you mention locations, I either Google Earth the location or use the web to visit these places vicariously through you wonderful folks. The Bude Breakwater Looks to be such a lovely place, and I LOVE the architecture and Buildings. Hope you have a very lovely day...
With love, PeeWee, Seymour, Junior & Bump, oh and me!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Good Morning, Ruth and Angie (Zola & Teztez) The weather here is supposed to warm up to the 70's/21's. later on this week. I DO love to hear your conversations of England, when you mention locations, I either Google Earth the location or use the web to visit these places vicariously through you wonderful folks. The Bude Breakwater Looks to be such a lovely place, and I LOVE the architecture and Buildings. Hope you have a very lovely day...
With love, PeeWee, Seymour, Junior & Bump, oh and me!
Hello - I looked up Bude breakwater online, and there were dozens of photos of it - however, none with a tortoise on it. To remedy that, here are a couple from last year .....


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Good Morning, Ruth and Angie (Zola & Teztez) The weather here is supposed to warm up to the 70's/21's. later on this week. I DO love to hear your conversations of England, when you mention locations, I either Google Earth the location or use the web to visit these places vicariously through you wonderful folks. The Bude Breakwater Looks to be such a lovely place, and I LOVE the architecture and Buildings. Hope you have a very lovely day...
With love, PeeWee, Seymour, Junior & Bump, oh and me
Sorry, I managed to send the same picture twice - I'm especially dim today, as I have a really bad headache - however, I will try again


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning Angie and Zola,
Thank you for the pictures and kind thoughts.
I hope your headaches are better, Angie. I think you mentioned a new treatment being offered; i do hope you can benefit from it.
Teztez is with us again! She seems to be very well, is eating, drinking and generally clearing out her systems. She had a short walk in the sunshine this morning, before being returned to her heat lamp beside her Aga.
Thank you for your concern, Zola, the lady will indeed have another Aga at her new home, but at the moment the kitchen floor is all pulled up, with damp rotted timbers being stripped out, so it's not very welcoming just yet.
We will be living quite near to our present house, just down the road, one of the last houses in town, on the way to Calne.
I will attach some pictures.
Thank you, Menagerie girl, for your interest!
Teztez is in quite a good mood this spring.
Its so nice to have her around again!
She accidentally got forgotten in her bath this morning as i was busy upstairs, and was very annoyed. She was carefully dried and set down under her lamp, and deigned to eat some Romanian lettuce. She even got some of it on her head!Screenshot_20240318_083428_Gallery.jpg
She then parked herself beside my foot and had her shell scratched and stroked for ages, this, she felt, was her due, for having been abandoned so disgracefully in her bath.
Much love from Lady Teztez and Ruth xxx IMG-20240313-WA0012.jpeg


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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth it's great to hear from you and to see the lovely Lady Teztez again.Your new house looks very nice, and I'm so glad Teztez will have an Aga still ! Zola will be pleased about that, too - I haven't shown him her photos yet, as he had a very long walk on the breakwater this afternoon (sunny but cold) and was extremely tired when he got home. His dad described him today as being"fantastically athletic " - and I bet not many other tortoises have been called that ! ! - he had his rest on me by the fire this afternoon, but was almost completely still most of the time - just letting me stroke him and breathe on him to warm him up !
I seem to remember you said you weren't allowed to make space for car parking at your current house - was that one of the reasons for choosing this new one?
I am seeing the headache nurse again in a few weeks - she may have news about the new treatment by then. I will be one of the first ones in the UK to try it, and I will be so glad if it helps. I think I might have fewer falls if I could stop the injections, too.
Love and best wishes to you all, and especially to the lovely Lady ( who is one of the few people who can look dignified with a bit of lettuce on her head ! ! )
Angie xxxandd Zola xxxxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Good morning Angie and Zola, here is the Lady enjoying a short walk outside, she has been waiting by the door so patiently, i took her outside, although it is mizzling gently.
She fancied eating some growing leaves!
This is our present house, 1760s, i am sorry to be leaving it, but we felt it was time to move on as our family have grown up and married. The garden is walled allround, so Teztez can't escape, but the new garden is not at all secure, and she will have to accept being shut into some kind of enclosure.
Hope you have a lovely day, and Zola is amazing, with his athletic striding along the breakwaters. The best legs in sight! I bet.
Love from Lady Teztez and Ruth xxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Your present house looks like it might be very interesting, but at least at your new place there will probably be- less future problems to deal with - and no stairs - but I hope Teztez won't consider it a bit offensive to be offered an enclosure rather than a whole garden! Still, she is pretty adaptable, I should think, after the life she has led previously. She looks really well, and Zola will be pleased to see her photos - I haven't shown him them yet.
Zola is amazing, as you say, and we are very proud of him. However, the spring sap seems to be rising in his tortoise brain, and he has started being "romantic" with my foot again.! Usually it wears off after a few weeks, but I don't like to see him so frantic. He has only ever met one female tortoise, by the way - while he was still quite young, and he ran away very quickly, with her chasing him ! I think his worship of Teztez from afar is probably a lot more wholesome for him !
Love from Angie and Zola xxxxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Love from Zola and Angie to Ruth and Teztez -we hope you have a good day. xxxxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Ruth - I hope your house move is going well, and that Teztez is being helpful ! I'm sure you have a great deal on your mind, but when things settle down a bit, we hope you will update us on the Lady's progress. ( and yours, of course ).
Zola is doing pretty well - he hasn't had regular breakwater walks recently, as it has been very cold and windy, but he really misses them, and goes round bashing up his conservatory -however, it gives me a chance to admire his walking - striding along like a gunslinger in a film.! He has been having stroking sessions with me by the fire, with the curtains drawn - he calms down and relaxes very quickly, and I can stroke him for ages - an hour, even - while we listen to his dad cooking the supper in the next room. I find it very soothing too - it helps my headaches a lot.
By the way, I should be starting on a new pill very soon - you may have read about it recently -atogepant - it probably won't stop them completely, but at least reduce the pain. It would be nice, too, not to have a sore scalp all the time from my injections! I'm hoping to get it before my birthday in July - I shall be 80, and it would be the best present ever !
Well, actually, Zola is probably an even better present -his official birthday is July 8th too - he will be 24 !
Love to you and the magnificent Lady Teztez from Angie and Zola xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Dear Angie and Super Zola,
Thank you for your kind message.
The Lady is very pleased to have news of Zola. She has been enjoying the sunshine while it ladts, and is earnestly trying to dig holes again! We know she hasn't got anything to put in her hopeful excavations, but she insists on scraping away at concrete, stone and soil. She has a slightly demented expression on her face, rather like a broody hen. She doesn't want to eat much, but is tempted by romaine lettuce leaves and cress.
She loves her warm spa experience after all this hard garden work, and i make sure she is kept warm and hydrated.
That is such good news about the innovative tablets, Angie, i do hope they will help you.

The move is going forward, beginning to speed up now we are nearly at completion. I can't think what Teztez is going to think when she finds herself in a strange place! She is going to be horrified. We will do our best to reassure her.
Here are some pictures of her recent activities. IMG-20240424-WA0010.jpegIMG-20240412-WA0000.jpegIMG-20240424-WA0015.jpeg20240424_124149.jpg


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Ruth - how lovely to hear from you, and how interesting to see that Teztez likes playing with cars - here is Zola with one he got as a birthday present one year - but I fear his legs will never be long enough to drive it !
Love from Zola and Angie xxxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Oh gorgeous Zola! You are so clever! Have you thought of being 007? I feel you have been overlooked!
You would bring such panache and eclan and je ne sais quoi to the role.
Teztez is longing to play your classy opponent, it would distract her from this tiresome desire to dig holes everywhere.
Poor Teztez! She needs some new oomph to her life.
Will keep you under surveillance..